Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Sciences
HET202 Digital Electronics Design
To become familiar with the design of digital circuits using a hardware description language, to simulate these designs and finally implement them using a FPGA.
This project has a weighting of 10% of the total subject marks.
Assessment is based on demonstration in the laboratory and submission of a written project report.
The report is due at the end of week 13 with the demonstration occurring during the usual laboratory sessions of that week.
It is assumed that the students have completed the “Modelsim Introduction” and “ISE introduction” exercises. The second of these exercises may be completed during the 1st of the three lab sessions devoted to the project. It would be desirable to do some of this exercise beforehand.
These exercises are available in electronic form on Blackboard.
The laboratory makes use of a FPGA prototyping board that plugs into the digital board that you have already been using and makes use of the existing facilities of that board. It is expected that a significant part of the implementation and testing would be conducted by simulation with actual hardware testing kept to a minimum.
When connecting the FPGA board connect the cables in the following order:
Connect the JTAG Cable to the USB-JTAG Programming Module then the FPGA board.
Be very careful when connecting the JTAG cable plug - Do not connect it backwards as it may damage the board. If the Board is damaged, you would have to pay for it. The unit cost roughly USD200.
Connect the micro USB to the USB-JTAG Programming Module and to the PC USB port last. Reverse this procedure when disconnecting.
HET 202 Digital Electronics Design
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Swinburne University of Technology
Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Sciences