The act of relating something or someone we like or respect with a product. Symbols are constantly used in this form.
The use of well known, respected people to endorse a product or service.
Glittering Generalities
The act of referring to words or ideas that evoke a positive emotional response from an audience. Virtue words are often used.
Plain Folks
The use of everyday people to sell a product or service. Speakers in ads appear to make the person to be one of the people.
Attempts to persuade the target audience to take a course of action, "Everyone else is taking." "Join the crowd." This technique reinforces peoples natural desire to be on the winning side.
Name Calling
The use of names that evoke fear or hatred in the viewer. This technique links a person or idea to a negative symbol.
Card Stacking
Strategy of showing the product's best features. Telling half-truths and emitting or lying about it's potential problems.
upper ones, including the ones below Snob Appeal
An appeal to a reader's sense of being elite--the absolute "best" in some way.
Loaded Language
Use of language "loaded" with emotion in hope's of an emotional appeal.
Red Herring
To offer less important ideas or information that is intended to distract from more important factors.
A great exaggeration, usually to produce an emotional effect in the reader.
Effects: It influences the other party easily and may even mislead people into thinking that the truth is only what they see.
Website reference for propaganda:
George Orwell uses several types of propaganda in his famous novel "Animal Farm." One such example is when Snowball uses it obtain leadership within the farm. Snowball uses