Phenomenology: For Kelly, it is the focus on conscious experience related to objective reality
Cognitive: It stresses how people view & think about reality
Existential: It emphasizes choices about the present & future
Humanistic: It emphasizes choices about the present & future
Constructive Alternativism: The assumption that any one event is open to a variety of different interpretations. It is considered a philosophical position. There is no reality outside of our interpretation of it
Fundamental Postulate: “A persons processes are psychologically channelized by the ways in which he/she anticipates events.” People as scientists
Role: A process of behavior a person engages based on his/her understanding of the behavior and constructs of other people
Anxiety: The recognition that events with which we are confronted lie outside the range of one’s construct system
Guilt: Perception of one’s apparent dislodgement from his core role structure
Aggression: The active elaboration of ones perceptual field. This is not hostility. Kelly’s aggression is assertiveness to the rest of the world
Hostility: Continued effort to extort validation in favor of a type of social prediction which has already proven itself a failure
Role Construct Repertory Test (REP test): It permits a person to reveal personal constructs by comparing and contrasting a number of significant persons
Cognitive Complexity: The ability to perceive differences in the way in which one construes other people
Role Playing: Therapeutic method which made the client play the role of a person that bothered him to explore different ways to handle certain situations
Role Reversal: The client would play the authority figure and Kelly would play the client
Fixed-Role Therapy: The client would assume a role different than one’s original way of behaving and would act the new role out for a week or longer to expand his/her horizons
Personal Construct: Idea of thought that a person uses