Marginalisation can occur anywhere at any time to anyone. Individual marginalisation is where one person is singled out from a group or community of people for something like being an overweight. One of the most talked about and, unfortunately common, types of individual marginalisation is racism. Racism is something that society has struggled with for many generations. It has been around from the early settlers and has been a problem ever since. The poem ‘telephone conversation’ by Wole Soyinka demonstrates the racism and its problems very clearly. It is a poem about an African man looking for accommodation in either England or America around the time of the 1950’s. The line ‘“Madam” I warned, “I hate a wasted journey – I am African”... “HOW DARK?”’is an example of how African people were marginalised again because of the colour of their skin. In those times, it was hard
Marginalisation can occur anywhere at any time to anyone. Individual marginalisation is where one person is singled out from a group or community of people for something like being an overweight. One of the most talked about and, unfortunately common, types of individual marginalisation is racism. Racism is something that society has struggled with for many generations. It has been around from the early settlers and has been a problem ever since. The poem ‘telephone conversation’ by Wole Soyinka demonstrates the racism and its problems very clearly. It is a poem about an African man looking for accommodation in either England or America around the time of the 1950’s. The line ‘“Madam” I warned, “I hate a wasted journey – I am African”... “HOW DARK?”’is an example of how African people were marginalised again because of the colour of their skin. In those times, it was hard