2. Chuck has initially had an intuitive decision making approach, where he stated to his team “trust me, I am a designer,”. He had based his judgment on past experience and feelings. He later on changed his non-linear way of thinking, where he had based his judgment on internal sources and hunches to a linear way of thinking. He had resorted to external data where he conducted a survey amongst other companies design oriented companies. After conducting the survey, the external data was not enough as the information was incomplete because none of the surveyed companies had successfully developed a system to measure the relationship between design and the return on investment.
After Chuck realized that the data from the survey was not enough to help him solve his dilemma, he resorted to an innovative solution. He decided to solve his problem by creating a company process, in which a prototype would be previewed to a focus customer group. This focus group would then rate their preferences in regard to aesthetics, craftsmanship, technical performance, ergonomics, and usability. Whirlpool would then contrast competing products and their own based on these measurements, then create a product accordingly. The company settled for a liner way of thinking approach to solving their problem. They resorted to external data, feedback from customer focus groups. They followed the decision-making process model, where after they better identified the problem, which is creating a high selling product that satisfies their customers, they identified the decision making criteria. Their decision-making criteria for a product that satisfied customer’s needs were, aesthetics,