Helena Macúšová
Lenka Palečková
Restoration period
Fall of Republican Britain
death – The protectorate
Cromwell´s son –Richard Cromwell is not a good leader.
Richard invited Charles II. back
Charles II.
II. returned as publicly accepted king
The laws and Acts of
Cromwell´s government were automatically cancelled
Parliament is weak
Those responsible for Charles I.´s execution are punished
Catholicism, the Crown and the new constitutional monarchy
II. wanted to make peace between religious groups
Wanted to allow Puritans and
Cathlics to meet freely
Parliament is strongly Anglican = against Feared Charles become catholic =
Test Act 1673 - Public Office cant be hold by catholics
The Whigs and Tories
The Whigs
afraid of absolute monarchy and
Catholic Church and regular army
Believed in religous freedom
Charles no children=feared his catholic brother would become king.
Believed the authority depend upon the parliament
The Whigs and Tories
Upheld the authority of the crown and the church
Natural inheritors of the „Royalist“ position The fake story
plot to murder Charles
James becomes king
It frighten people
The Act forbidding Catholics to become MP
= not succesful – James inherited the crown
James II.
Charles´ death - 1685 - James becomes king
Dislike for protestants
Presbyterians (men, women, children) killed by army in Scotland= The killing time Tried to cancel The Act and bring back the Catholic church
=Parliament angry
James II.
Wanted to get rid off Tory – replaced ¾ by men from lower social classes
The Catholics and the Puritans together =
Tories+the Whigs+Anglicans did nothing
= looking forward to the succesion of
James´ daughter Mary= protestant married to the