Ms. Werdmann
Reconstruction Web Quest
4 January 2013
Part 1 1. Lincoln offered pardon to those in the South that pledged allegiance to the United States. When 10% of Southerners signed the allegiance, the Congress would then reinstate the South into the Union. 2. The opposition they faced was the Radical Republic. They wanted the majority of Southerners to sign the document and they wanted to put the South under military rule. 3. Lincoln was assassinated at the Ford’s Theater by John Wilkes Booth. 4. Johnson’s reconstruction plan was different from Lincoln’s because Lincoln went easy on the South and wanted to make it as fast and painless as possible to reinstate the South into the Union. Johnson wanted to pay it a lot harder to accept the South into the Union again. 5. The Radical Republics strongly opposed Johnson’s policies. 6. No, Congress did not have a legitimate reason for impeaching Johnson. They disliked the way he handled things and his policies so they stuck him with a lot of charges that he was not necessarily guilty of in order to get him impeached.
Part 2 1. Once freed, the struggles the slaves faced were unemployment, poverty, discrimination, a justice system that was not in their favor, and an education system that deliberately made it difficult for blacks to obtain an education. 2. The Black Codes were laws enacted in 1865 and 1866 that reduced the rights of black people. 3. The Jim Crow laws were laws that supported racial segregation. 4. They segregated whites and black in schools, restaurants, buses, bathrooms, work, etc. 5. The first Ku Klux Klan was formed to oppose the reconstruction plans of the Radical Republic and to maintain “white supremacy”. 6. Some ways the members of the KKK would abuse African Americans would be to build wooden crosses and burn them on it and to lynch them.
Part 3 1. Abraham Lincoln was in favor of the 13th Amendment the most because he