Chapter 2: Developmental, Congenital, and Childhood Diseases and Disorders
Assignment: For each scenario that follows, explain how and why you would schedule an appointment or suggest a referral based on the patient’s reported symptoms. Be sure to first review the “Guidelines for Patient-Screening Exercises” found on page iii in the Introduction section of your Workbook.
1. The mother of a 6-month-old infant calls the office requesting an appointment for her child. She advises that she thinks the child’s head appears swollen and that there are areas that appear to be bulging. What is your response regarding the appointment.
In this situation the mother describe the symptoms that suggests rainbow syndrome which is not life threatening. According to procedure I scheduled an appointment as soon as I could that was convent for everyone. The appointment is for an evaluation
2. The mother of a 3-year-old boy calls to report her child had the onset of vomiting and abdominal pain during the night and is now experiencing blood in his urine. She says she just noticed a swelling on his left side toward his back. She requests and appointment. What is your response regarding the appointment?
I would advise to go to the emergency room, the symptoms the mother described suggested the child has wilms tumor. This disease requires prompt medical assessment and if this is the case treatment.
3. The mother of a 15-day-old infant son reports that he started having episodes of vomiting with the emesis “shooting out of his mouth” after feeding. She also reports the infant appears hungry, continues to feed, and has not gained any weight. How do you respond to this call?
Upon hearing the symptoms the child was exhibiting, I would advise her to take the child to the ER for an immediate evaluation. The reason for my advice would be the symptoms; she said her child was