- Step 1 is to select the format for the data storage system that will be used.
- Step 2 is to design the format in such a way that it optimizes processing efficiency.
How are a file and a database different from each other?
Files are electronic lists of data that have been optimized to perform a particular transaction. A database is a collection of groupings of information that are related to each other in some other way. Furthermore a file must have a specific program created to read the particular file format, where as a database management system can access a set of data or data subsets to retrieve that data contained within.
2. Name five types of files and describe the primary purpose of each type.
- 1. Master files. Store critical information that is important to the application and the business that is rarely or unlikely to be modified
- 2. Look-up files. Contain static or reference information to validate information entered into the system is correct.
- 3. Transaction files. Includes information that can be used to update the master file. Once the transaction is processed, and the master file is updated, transaction files are archived.
- 4. Audit files. Records a digital before and after image of data that is altered to validate the integrity of the data recorded.
- 5. History file. Stores previous transactions that are no longer needed by system users.
3. Name two types of legacy databases and the main problems associated with each type. - 1. Hierarchical databases. Cannot efficiently represent many-to-many relationships as well as non-hierarchical associations. - 2. Network databases. Programs must be written to accommodate the database structure, which is time consuming. At any point the database structure changes then further, more complex programming must be done to change the database and relevant program(s) to accommodate the change.
What is the most popular kind of