Deploying a
File Server
This lab contains the following exercises and activities:
Exercise 2.1
Exercise 2.2
Exercise 2.3
Exercise 2.4
Exercise 2.5
Lab Review
Lab Challenge Installing File Server Roles and Features
Creating a Folder Share
Testing Share Access
Working with NTFS Permissions
Using Share and Storage Management
Using Folder Redirection
Exercise 2.1 Installing File Server Roles and Features
Overview In this exercise, install the roles and features you will need to complete the exercises in this lab.
Completion time 10 minutes
Exercise 2.2 Creating a Folder Share
Overview Contoso, Ltd. documented a procedure for creating file server shares, which your supervisor insists that you follow. In this exercise, you create and share a folder in which Accounting department network users will store their spreadsheets using the company method.
Completion time 15 minutes
Question 1 What default share permissions does a group receive when it is added?
17.Press Ctrl+Prt Scr to take a screen shot of the Permissions For Spreadsheets dialog box. Press Ctrl+V to paste the image on the page provided in the lab02_worksheet file.
Exercise 2.3 Testing Share Access
Overview To confirm that the folder share you created in Exercise 2-2 is operational, create a test user account, and connect to the share from another computer on the network.
Completion time 15 minutes
Question 2 Identify the groups to which the User## object is assigned automatically.
15.Press Ctrl+Prt Scr to take a screen shot of the Member Of tab on the User## Properties sheet. Press Ctrl+V to paste the image on the page provided in the lab02_worksheet file.
Question 3 What is the result?
Question 4 What is the result?
Question 5 Why are you unable to modify or delete the Budget file?
Question 6 What is the result?
Question 7 Why are you able to modify the Budget file?
Exercise 2.4 Working with NTFS Permissions
Overview After you create a