July 25, 2010
Tracey Morgado
Special Education and the Principles of NCLB 2001 There are five core principles of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) 2001. The five core principles are strong accountability, expanded flexibility and control, methods based on scientific research, expanded options for parents, and highly qualified teachers. The five core principles can affect diverse learners both positively and negatively. The first core principle strong accountability for results can affect a diverse learner both positively and negatively. The positive side to accountability for making adequate yearly progress (AYP) is that students are grouped in many ways. Students are grouped by different cultures, economically disadvantages, and students with disabilities. Students that have disabilities are compared to those students that are in the same grouping. Students with disabilities have their own set of standards that the students have to meet. Students with disabilities have separate standards than the other groups. The disadvantage of this core principle is that students that are diverse learners are not held accountable for the lessons that are being taught in the classroom. The second core principle is expanded flexibility and local control. This core principle says that the local government can transfer up to 50% of the federal funds to different programs without getting prior approval from the federal government. Diverse learners can positively gain from this core principle if the school district decides to use the money improve or implement a program to help diverse learners succeed. This core principle can negatively impact diverse learners by taking the money away from the programs that help diverse learners succeed. This core principle is in the local school districts hands. The third core principle is teaching methods based on scientific research. This core principle