Sternberg, Spearman, and Gardner Models of Intelligence
Aspects Psychology 206
In 1949 Robert Stenberg was born and is presently alive today. Robert J. Sternberg's stunning study profession in psychology had quite an unpromising beginning; similar to a lot of the psychologists, his attention in human intelligence started at an early age. In the situation of Dr. Sternberg's, nevertheless, the attention was deeply personal. In elementary school he performed poorly on IQ tests, and his teachers' actions conveyed their low expectations for his future progress (Indiana University 2007). Indiana When Stenberg fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Alexa seen that he had potential and confronted him to improve that when everything changed. The encouragement that Mrs. Alexa gave him; he became a high achieving student. Triarchic theory of intelligence is what Sternberg proposed a model of intelligence. There are three parts to the triarchic theory of intelligence: Analytical intelligence which is the ability to break down a problem or situation into its components (Arvaypy110.Tripod). This type is assessed by most intelligence tests. Creative intelligence is the ability to cope with novelty and solve problems in new and unusual ways. Practical intelligence which is also known as common sense (Arvaypy110.Tripod).This kind of intelligence is the one that is understood by the public but it is absent from normal intelligence tests (Arvaypy110.Tripod). Teaching and evaluating students can also be practical to the Sternberg’s triachic theory of intelligence (Arvaypy110.Tripod). It is equivalent to the teaching that students show in every part of the intelligence model. The theory puts stress on the development of the intelligence (Arvaypy110.Tripod). Dr. Sternberg's personal experiences with intelligence testing in elementary school lead him to create his own intelligence test for a 7 th grade science project (Indiana University 2007). He happened to began