Letter of Transmittal
August 8, 2011
MR.MD. Kamrul Hasan
Assistant Professor,
Department of Business Studies
State University of Bangladesh
Subject: Letter of Transmittal for Submitting the Report
Dear Sir,
I am submitting my Term Paper and would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your guidance and supervision in its completion. I completed my Term Paper for Report on the "Strategy for Growth: Bangladesh 2050 ". I have tried my best to organize all the necessary information related to the topic and present relevant facts and figures. The report has its due limitations and conducting the assignment was not without difficulties. Please accept my apology for the same. However, with your guidance, it was completed in the best possible manner.
Your kind appreciation will glorify my endeavor.
Arnab Saha ID:UG01-22-09-014
A.B.M Fahad Zitu ID:UG01-20-09-046
Akram Hossain Khandakar ID:UG01-22-09-036
Nishat Razia ID:UG01-22-09-009
Sanjida Yasmin ID:UG-01-22-09-025
Bangladesh, a country with immense opportunities in multiple sectors, has a population of 164 million which includes a large number of skilled & semi skilled workforce. This number is increasing gradually. Bangladesh has survived the recent economic recession & was successful to hold a sustainable inflation rate during that period. This country has a better GDP growth rate than the other developing nations too. This report is prepared as an integral part of my task for the DCCI, as one of their strategy 2050 report holder which helps me to accumulated & also very interested with this topic where I can empowered & acknowledged myself as on the report. I tried to illustrate my thoughts, imaginations & objects with the help of most updated statistical data available.
We will be standing at our 59th years of our independence in 2050. We want to see an economy with the presence of an accounting