Food all bacteria need food to grow. Vegetables and raw meat from any animal are significant sources of contamination. Bacteria are always present in animal intestines. These can spread through meat products during slaughter or when a product is minced. . The bacteria can then get carried through the food chain. If the meat product is not cooked properly then the bacteria enter the body through the mouth and are absorbed through the digestive system once we have eaten them.…
Bonnie Bassler claims that bacteria although simple have complex systems that they use to communicate with each other to coordinate. This is crucial to humans because Dr. Bassler considers humans to be 90-99% bacterial. Dr. Bassler states we have about one trillion human cells but we have about 10 trillion bacterial cells that either live in or on humans. The number of bacterial genes in those cells outnumber humans by 100 times since humans only have 30,000 genes. These bacteria share a mutualistic relationship with the humans. For example the bacteria that live on the skin forms a body armor. Bacteria also live in the body which digests our food and teaches the immune system which microbes are bad. However, there also bacteria that can damage they do to the host which is its virulence. Then there is also the bacteria’s ability to cause disease called pathogenicity. Bacterial relationships can be seen in other animals as well.…
The unknown bacteria A and bacteria B have to be identified by its genus and species. First both bacteria had to be inoculated into a TSA agar media using the streak plate method. Four quadrants were drawn, so that the bacteria could be isolated as much as possible. Each bacteria was inoculated into two different plates, so that one could be incubated at 37 degrees Celsius and the other at 25 degrees Celsius. Bacteria B, which was incubated at room temperature showed red colonies throughout its media. This identified it as the gram-negative bacteria Serratia marcescens, but further tests had to be conducted to fully confirm. Bacteria A showed a white opaque growth in both of its plates.…
* Bacteria are unicellular, prolcaryotic microorganism found almost in all kinds of habits. Some bacteria are beneficial like those involved in nitrogen fixation and some pathogenic, which causes diseases.…
Escherichia coli 0157:H7 OR (E. coli) is a food born pathogen that can cause serious illness or if left untreated can cause death. One of the obvious symptoms of E. coli is bloody diarrhea although not all forms of E coli have the same symptoms. The main toxins all strains of E. coli produce are called shiga toxins, the toxins alone are not able to make E. coli pathogenic it needs the presence of other virulence markers. The symptoms can easily be confused with other illnesses or diseases. It starts with mild diarrhea and mild stomach cramps and progressively gets worse. The diarrhea starts containing more and more blood and the abdominal pain slowly gets more intense. As the symptoms get worse several life threatening conditions may occur, your body starts losing platelets and destroying your red blood cells you slowly start to produce less urine and your kidneys begin to fail. Other complications include seizures, coma, stroke, pancreatis, and hypertension. Another serious complication commonly associated with E. coli is significant central nervous system deterioration this symptom is restricted to adults…
Bacteria is a microorganism, most bacteria is harmless. It is found in soil, water, plants, animals and humans; it can only be seen under a microscope. Antibiotics can help treat bacterial infections. Examples of bacterial infections are TB and MRSA.…
Although bacteria is microscopic in size, it is largely important in the healthcare field, environmental work, food preparation, as well as many other industries. In particular, it is essential that healthcare workers be able to identify the species of bacteria invading a human reservoir in order to prescribe the correct antibiotic that will kill that species. For the purpose of bacteria identification, numerous tests have been devised to find out the exact species in question. However, because new strains continue to emerge, it is of the utmost importance that microbiologists and microbiology students understand the nature of each bacterial species and how that species creates and maintains its complex communities. Of equal…
Bacteria are extremely small singular organisms which are found almost everywhere and also can spread immediately. some bacteria can be dangerous depending where it is in your body or in the environment and what bacteria it is from the person or an animal being contact with.…
Bacteria: These are tiny microorganisms, they cannot be seen with the naked eye. They exist on virtually every living thing or object in the environment i.e. dirt, water, caves, trees, dead animals, and within everybody living on earth. Its nutrition is from its surroundings. We carry bacteria in the body, mainly in the intestines, on the genitalia or on the skin. Bacteria can be good or bad. It can help our immune system but there are bad bacteria which make you become ill. Meningitis is a bacterial infection, this can be life threating to a young baby and is most common in young children. It is an infection of the membranes covering the brain and/or spinal cord, this is a reason it can be life-threatening. MRSA is another big bacteria illness, this commonly affect hospitals and is due to lack of hygiene. Food poisoning is a common cause of illness caused by bacteria. This is because bacteria lives on food. If cooked and food has not reached a high enough temperature to kill off bacteria then it can cause the bacteria to rapidly grow and cause sickness to a person. The types of food poisoning are; salmonella, E. coli, norovirus, campylobacter, listeria, clostridium perfringens. These are also linked with viruses too. Also most sexual transmitted diseases are a bacterial infection i.e. syphilis, gonorrhea. Also Lyme disease, this is spread by the bite of a deer ticks most common around wooded, rural areas. If untreated it causes an arthritis-like condition that can last for months.…
The purpose of this is knowing the types of bacteria that exist in our environment and diseases caused by them, and how treat it.…
Bacteria is everywhere inside and outside our bodies.Some are mostly harmless and some can be useful.…
Many different species of bacteria look similar under the microscope and also have the same staining results (ex. Gram stain). To be able to differentiate between the different species, one can look at the metabolic differences (fermentation), as well as the environmental condition differences (temperature, pH, oxygen requirements). Being able to manipulate these conditions in a controlled environment can help to correctly identify the exact bacteria. Different media can be used to culture and identify bacteria.…
We live in a world full of bacteria, in fact, bacteria is all around us. They are tiny, one celled creatures that get nutrients from their environments in order to live. In some cases that environment is a human body. But not all bacteria are bad. Some bacteria are good for our bodies; they help keep belongings in balance. Good bacteria live in our intestines and help us use the nutrients in the food we eat and make waste from what is left over. We could not make the most of a healthy meal without these important helpful germs! Scientists in labs produce medicines and vaccines, which also use some bacteria. The novel Good Germs Bad Germs, by Jessica Snyder Sachs, gives an insight look into a future in which antibiotics will be designed and used more wisely, and beyond that, to a day when we may replace antibacterial drugs and cleansers with bacterial ones (each custom-designed for maximum health benefits).…
Bacteria are a living cell organism that can survive inside our body and other non living objects as well. There are both good and bad bacteria’s and the good bacteria is known to helps fight against the bad bacteria that makes its way into our bodies. According to, less than 1% of bacteria are actually harmful to us. In fact, we couldn’t survive without bacteria in our body. Bacterial infection is described as an imbalance of bacteria that can cause harm to our bodies. It occurs when the harmful bacteria enter our body through contaminated, non pasteurized or expired foods; cuts or sores on our skin; and even through open passages such as eyes, ears, teeth or genitals. Bacterial infections could be harmful to us because it produces toxins which damage surrounding cells. Most bacterial infections are generally in one single area of the body and are characterized by pain and some swelling. The human body is not capable of fighting off most bacterial infections so they can mainly be treated with antibiotics.…
Causes and Spread of infection Q 1.1 - Identify the differences between: bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. * Bacteria are unicellular, prokaryotic microorganism found almost in all kinds of habits. Some bacteria are beneficial like those involved in nitrogen fixation and some pathogenic, which cause diseases. * Viruses are unicellular, tiny organisms which is mostly composed of DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) and protein. Its body compromises of head and tail sections.…