Feedback mechanism (what works and what does not)
Informing stakeholders
Project Cycle
Assessment and planning- implementation and monitoring- evaluation- adaption
Outcome Monitoring (Impact Evaluation) vs. Process Monitoring (Implementation Evaluation)
Monitoring Strategy
Comparisons- comparing results of our project to some benchmarks:
Comparing a group impacted by our project to itself (over time)
Comparing a group impacted by our project to a group not impacted by our project (over time)
Indicator Criteria:
Measureable: able to be recorded and analyzed in quantitative or qualitative terms
Precise: defined the same way by all people
Specific, what exactly do you mean
Consistent: not changing over time so that it always measures the same thing
Sensitive: changing proportionally in response to actual changes in the condition or item being measured
Proxy Indicators
Indirect measures
Used as a substitute for an indicator that cannot be directly measured
Ex: income- can’t ask them because it isn’t socially acceptable so you base it off of how much meat they eat/can afford
Use if isn’t socially acceptable, if it’s too expensive
SMART Indicator: an indicator that meets the SMART criteria
Specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound
Data Collection Methods
Use available information (get access to school report cards, attendance data, standardized tests)
Surveys- written questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussions (FGD)
Methods Criteria
Select more than one method to measure an indicator (if possible)
Criteria for selecting methods:
Accuracy and reliability
Cost effectiveness
When, Who, Where
When: determine the frequency and timing of data collection
Who: Responsibilities
Supervising data collection
Conducting data collection
Where: specify location
Data Collection
Collecting and recording data systematically: use