The University of Hong Kong
Academic Year: 2013-2014 / Semester 2
1. Basic Course Information:
Course Code : SOWK2107
Course Title : Foundations of social work practice I – 4 year (Case & Group)
2. Course Instructor / Course Co-ordinator:
Office phone email
Dr. Choi Wai Man, Anna
3917 2079 Dr. Law Yik Wa, Frances
3917 5940 3. Course Description
This course aims to provide students with foundations of social work concepts, models, and theories in social work practice. Students are expected to relate theoretical knowledge with practice situations. Students have to perform a functional analysis of human needs and plan basic intervention steps accordingly.
Course Objectives:
1 To promote a practice philosophy which will guide students to become ethical, competent, and reflective social work professionals;
2 To facilitate students to develop an appreciation for, and application of the professional ethics and values that underpin generalist social work practice;
3 To provide students with an understanding of generalist social work practices perspective that will equip them to apply appropriate methods of intervention;
4 To facilitate students to develop the skills necessary to select appropriate modes of intervention with various client populations
4. Course contents and topics:
Values and ethics in social work
Assessment and evaluation in social work
Empowerment and helping process
Case work approach
Group work approach
5. Assessment Ratio:
100% Coursework
6. Assessment Tasks / Activities (ATs):
Casework 50%
Assessment Tasks / Activities
Assessment Ratio (%)
Deadline of Submission
Self-reflection paper
- On being a caseworker
1 week after 2nd session
Term paper - Casework
1 week after 6nd session
After-class and In-class exercise
After-class and