Finance 3440
Fall Semester, 2014 E-Mail:
Instructor: Dr. James Boyd Office: (By Appointment)
Date Topic Reading Assignment
Aug 27 Course Overview/Introduction None
Sep 3 Risk Management and Noninsurance Methods Notes Only 10 Insurance Industry Overview Notes Only 17 Insurance Regulation and Law Notes Only 24 Property/Liability Insurance (Automobile) Notes; Ch. 6/Appendix
Oct 1 Manzana Case Study Notes; Ch. 7 8 Property/Liability Insurance (Home); Exam Preview Notes; Ch. 4-5/Appendix 15 MID-SEMESTER EXAM 22 Exam Review 29 Guest Speaker (James Donelon); Progressive Case Study Notes; Ch. 9
Nov 5 Life Insurance Notes; Ch. 1-2 12 Health Insurance Notes; Ch. 2 19 Retirement & Estate Planning Notes; Ch. 3 26 THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY Dec 3 Provident Life Case Study; Final Exam Preview Notes; Ch. 8 10 FINAL EXAM (Note: the above schedule is subject to change by announcement in class or by Moodle Online. Bold and italicized print above under “Reading Assignment” refers to chapters, cases, or appendices in the textbook.) Course Objectives/Prerequisites: Finance 3440 is an introductory insurance course. The primary objectives of the course are: to define and discuss risk management techniques; to understand the role of insurance within the risk management framework; to explore the fundamental principles and applications of common insurance products; and to review the basic structure and operations of the insurance industry. Prerequisites: FIN 3201 (Business Law).
Required Materials (Customized textbook): “PEARSON CUSTOM BUSINESS RESOURCES, FIN 3440: Risk Management and Insurance, Dr. James Boyd, Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge”,