The story is set in the village of Salem in the time of the witch trials, in which Hawthorne's great-great grandfather (John Hathorne) played a role as judge. It is said that „Hawthorne, for years plagued by guilt from his ancestor's role, vindicates his grandfather by featuring two fictional victims of the witch trials who really were witches and not merely innocent victims of the witch-hunt.” He wants to whiten his family history by presenting the hipocrisy of the society of that time. He shows that there was a lot of evil in the world and not only good.
The story of Young Goodman Brown had been interpreted and discussed by many with the use of different approaches. However there is no doubt that in order to fully understand the text, and understand the symbolism as well as discover all the implied meanings, the reader has to do the close reading with the Mythological/Archetypal approach in mind.
Archetypal approach to literature is a kind of literary interpretation that considers literary works as expressions of repetative mythic patterns and structures, or of ‘timeless’ archetypes. This kind of criticism is less interested in the specific qualities of a given work than in those features of its narrative structure or symbolism that seem to connect it to ancient myths and religions.
The main key concept in Archetypal criticism is the archetype, "a symbol, character, situation, or image that evokes a deep universal