Morrisons Plc annual report and financial statement (2011) stated that Morrisons is one of the fourth largest food retailers by sales with an annual turnover in excess of £16 billion and account for 12.8% in the grocery industry (See appendix 1). However, the UK supermarket industry is intense competition so it required more new and effective tools to compete with rivals (Urbonavičius and Ivanauskas, 2005). Hence, for retaining and developing, Morrisons is not only needed to have excellent strategic operation management but also diversified itself in to the new market. This essay will analyze Morrisons’s operations management, its value chain and other aspects relate to quality which leads Morrisons difference from other supermarket.
Morrisons business is focused almost entirely on food. Their vision is “different and better than ever” and their objectives build on their history strengths that make Morrisons unique in the UK grocery industry (Morrision 2011, p.5). Thus five performance objectives play a key role in achieving the main performance objective of Morrisons operations management (See Figure 1).
Slack et al (2003) was defined quality as “quality is consistent conformance to customers’ expectation”. It basically means the organization should do things right by offering error- free goods or services to satisfy customers. As a performance objective, there are external and internal affect to quality depend on level of customer satisfaction. Cleanliness and tidiness place, attractive decoration and convenience layout with wide choice of products and services are external benefit quality at Morrisons supermarket. It will give the shopper a sense of comfortable and attract them for returning. Internal benefit such as fresh foods, good conditional products, friendly and helpful staff will satisfy consumers. Quality can also split into level of customer service as lower with part time staff student and