According to NerdyLaura (Jun, 12th, 2011), “Not a single product in a supermarket is placed randomly. Marketing experts calculate when, where and how consumers make a quick grab.” Indeed, almost no one purchases products that are only written on their shopping lists; customers often buy products spontaneously when shopping in a supermarket. One explainable reason is placement, which represents the position of the products in aisles. For instance, Tescos and Morrisons generally place the bread and milk at the very end of the aisles. Marketers know that bread and milk are daily essentials for almost everyone and the main purpose for customers to go shopping in a supermarket is to buy these products. Customers will have to walk pass a number of products to get to what they want, and during this period, it is easy for them to buy other goods lying on the shelves.
It is reported that if adults go shopping with their children, the turnover of Aldi is 7 times higher than without children (BBC, Jan, 4th, 2011). The factor is that marketers of Aldi utilize the position of the goods to attract children by putting them at the horizontal line of children’s sight. Based on these information, supermarkets can compete more effectively in the marketplace and leads to more