research from the sites at Vindolanda and Pompeii, explain the similarities and differences between the two sites.…
As the ship crept around the stretch of land that shielded the bay of Pompeii, all eyes turned onto the small town. Horror and anxiety could be seen in all the sailors’ eyes, especially Tarquinius. What they were looking at was not a small town, but instead a lack of a town. Hordes of ash covered what used to be Pompeii. Nothing was left to be seen. Only silence remained. The year was now 79 AD, the year in which Vesuvius erupted and effectively wiped Pompeii completely off the map.…
Pompeii and Herculaneum, like all ancient Roman-styled towns, were self governing cities n local matters, but were subject to royal decrees from Rome by the Emperor. However, the ‘emperor’ rarely interfered except where the empires security or local order was at stake. After the revolt within the Amphitheatre between Pompeian’s and Nacerians in AD59, Emperor Nero dismissed and exiled the two chief magistrates, and had a law –governing prefect watch over the two newly elected ones.…
Using Source A and B and your own knowledge, describe the main features of the economy in Pompeii.…
Vesuvius entered the history of volcanology with the eruption of 79 AD burying towns and making history as one of the most fascinating natural disasters ever to hit this planet. The eruption destroyed the cities of Pompeii, Herculaneum, Oplonti and Stabiae and caused the death of thousands of people, including Pliny the Elder. Earthquakes occurred frequently before the eruption in 79 AD but the locals disregarded them, as they were extremely common in this area. An earthquake was recorded in 62 AD on the 5th of Febuary. This earthquake caused serious damage in both Pompeii and Herculaneum, and minor damage in Nuceria and Naples, which was where the Emperor, Nero at this time, was performing in the theatre. According to writer Seneca, the earthquakes lasted for several days and it wasn’t until the 4th day that they began to die down. Seneca also said that he “presumed that the earthquake swarm occurred at a shallow depth in the Vesuvian area”. People of the time were very surprised at the extreme extent of the damage.…
There are many volcanos in the world, but one particular volcano called Mount Vesuvius is over thousands of years old. It was so powerful that it erupted over 50 times in total so far. When this volcano had its famous eruption, it buried the ancient roman city under a very large layer of ash from the volcano. During this event people who lived in the ancient roman city were trying to survive from this tragedy. Over two thousand people had died along with the city being forgotten. When some researchers and explorers went to this this tragedy in the year 1748, they were shocked to discover the Pompeii had no damage and was still standing under the thick layer of ashes. There were antiquities, buildings, and skeletons from the past has taught us today a lot about history from the ancient life. Is this world Naples from the past have barely escaped from its home to see the Pompeii from long ago under the volcanic ashes when the volcano erupted.…
Ancient romans believed that for a soul to rest peacefully in the afterlife, the body had to be given a proper burial or cremation, although in modern times very little respect has been paid to the unfortunate and untimely victims of Vesuvius. The excavated sites of Pompeii and Herculaneum have passed through both royal and government ‘ownership’ over the years where artefacts were given away as ‘gifts’ and the revenue raised was more important than cultural sensitivity. In 1982 the council of Australian directors passed a resolution that human remains would not be displayed to the public, however, the International Council of Museums (ICOM) and the ICOM ‘Code of Professional Ethics’ did not comply with the proposed ban, instead encouraging ‘sensitivity’ to community reactions. About 2.5 million people visit Pompeii annually, making it the most popular tourist attraction in Italy. This popularity has existed for the past two hundred years and it was common practice for the human remains to be posed in disrespectable, macabre scenarios for the entertainment of tourists and royal visitors. There was no consideration or respect shown for the tragically deceased populations of Pompeii and Herculaneum. “human remains were presented as being in situ, and were sometimes manipulated or arranged to create a theatrical effect” (Estelle Lazer). Therefore, the question must now be asked, are the human remains of Pompeii and…
Why is Pompeii so important? It's a destroyed city of people who died, and we can only tell how they felt in the people's last moments of their lives.…
In the city of Pompeii on the morning of August 24, 79 CE, everyday life was commencing as usual. The stirrings of the mountain in the distance went unnoticed until an explosion rocked the streets. Panic broke out as people tried to flee the city and parents made vain efforts to protect their children from the falling ash and rocks that would cover the city. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius did not just demolish a city, it wiped out an entire civilization.…
Although we often think of Pompeii as the typical Roman town, it was not always so. By looking at the public buildings and political records, one can see that the period surrounding the Roman colonization of Pompeii (89 BCE) brought about changes big and small. Although most of the Forum had been built prior to the colonization, political and architectural transitions are apparent.…
Religion and death was an important part of everyday life in Pompeii and Herculaneum. Romans, like the Greeks and Egyptians were polytheists who worshipped a variety of gods. This is evident in the temples, household shrines, cults and tombs that were found in the cities.…
Although other cities were buried in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Herculaneum is the hardest to excavate. Pompeii, a nearby town, also has a lot of information, but is only buried under 6 meters of volcanic rock while Herculaneum is buried under 20 meters. Herculaneum has significant historical importance. As it was preserved under layers of volcanic materials, it has frozen a point in time which historians today can collect information from. Herculaneum serves to fill in important information on the history of Rome such as the condition of the civilians, the general lifestyle, religion and…
In the year 79 CE Mt. Vesuvius of Pompeii erupted. The eruption was so catastrophic that it destroyed cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. Pompeii, which is also known as “The Garden of the Fugitives”, is an important part of Ancient Roman history, because it has shown historians a vision of the Ancient Roman society. Historians now believe that the people of Pompeii died by an explosion of gas and hot mud brutally eliminated the residents. Before this, people believed that everyone died by suffocating from the ash. There is evidence that proves this. The ones that will be discussed are Pliny the Younger’s writing, the eruption of Mt. Helens and the body casts.…
Public bathing forced Pompeiians to interact with people outside of their class and age group by bringing them all together while engaging in personal hygiene. Everyone enjoyed engaging in public baths since they were a necessary way to clean and refresh oneself, but they were also a social event (footnote?). Pompeii had four main public baths: the Stabian, the Forum, the Central, and the Amphitheater (footnote Michael). These baths were not just a giant bathtub. They included other rooms such as dressing rooms, bathrooms, pools, a space similar to a gymnasium, a “cold room,” and a “hot room” (like a sauna) (site website). The bathing process included visiting each of these rooms. Each of these locations in a bathhouse presented new opportunities for Pompeiians to socialize with different locals and visitors. People often discussed politics, literature, news, and poets even shared their new writings with the audience around them (yellow book 31). Sharing new ideas could be specifically insightful for Pompeiians if they happened to interact with a visitor who was not from Pompeii. Public baths gave all Pompeiians opportunities to engage in these activities with people outside of their hierarchal class. Pompeiians could discuss…
There is a significant amount of evidence from Pompeii and Herculaneum, however, historians must be careful about the conclusions they come to from examining said evidence. There are many gaps in the evidence resulting not only from the nature of ancient societies, but also from the destruction caused by the eruption. Historians must also keep in mind that the preservation techniques used have not always been completely successful, and excavation is still incomplete in Herculaneum.…