Herculaneum is important because it has information on ancient Roman civilization. The fact that is has been preserved for centuries under layers of hardened lava and stone makes it one of very few historical places which have been captured as they were at that point in time. It is important because they show us how people lived at that time, the remains of the city provides good evidence of the way their people lived, lifestyle, …show more content…
The addition of new structures and buildings also destroys older places, resulting in some information being lost forever. Herculaneum is different from other cities because everything can be found the way it was and no evidence from future civilizations can interfere with the historical data. The volcanic eruption of 79 AD that buried Herculaneum has left artefacts and even bodies in almost perfect conditions. A number of frescoes, mosaics, wall writings and architecture have been found. All of these have contributed greatly to our knowledge of ancient Rome. Although other cities were buried in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Herculaneum is the hardest to excavate. Pompeii, a nearby town, also has a lot of information, but is only buried under 6 meters of volcanic rock while Herculaneum is buried under 20 meters. Herculaneum has significant historical importance. As it was preserved under layers of volcanic materials, it has frozen a point in time which historians today can collect information from. Herculaneum serves to fill in important information on the history of Rome such as the condition of the civilians, the general lifestyle, religion and