Which of the following was NOT a development of the maritime revolution of the fifteenth century?
did develop: triangular Arab sail, astrolabe, Caravel, compass
Where was the first permanent settlement in the New World?
St. Augustine, FL
Which of the followings is NOT true about Native American religious beliefs at the point of the initial European contacts?
TRUE: revolved around nature, good vs. evil, conciliate spiritual forces
Where was the first permanent European settlement on future United States soil?
What was one major difference between Separatist and son-Separatist Puritans?
Separation of church and state, Separatists left the church, non-Separatists left
How were the early English efforts at settlement paid for?
Joint-stock companies
According to archaeological findings, when did the first humans likely arrive in America?
13,000 B.C.
Where did the French attempt to make their first settlement in North America?
St. Lawrence Valley
What did the Puritans believe?
A purification of the Church of England from Popish abuses, insisted that membership in a congregation be limited to those who had a conversion experience, severe self-discipline and moral uprightness
Why did the Paleo-Indians flourish in the Americas?
hunter’s paradise (large mammals), reciprocity
Why did Charles I restore the Virginia Assembly in 1639?
Securing tobacco revenues and the support of Virginia’s Anglican planters
Who were the Antinomians?
Supporters of Anne Hutchinson, people who opposed the law, judged church on the basis that salvation is through good works
How did the Puritans attempt to convert Native Americans?
Praying towns,