In current-day Asgard, Loki stands imprisoned for his war crimes on Earth. Meanwhile, Thor, alongside warriors Fandral, Volstagg and Sif repel invaders on Vanaheim, home of their comrade Hogun; it is the final battle in a two-year war to make peace in the Nine Realms. In London, Jane Foster's intern, Darcy Lewis, takes Jane to an abandoned factory where the laws of physics have begun behaving oddly and objects disappear into thin air. Separating from the group, Jane is teleported to another world, where she is infected by the Aether.
The Asgardians learn that a rare alignment of the Nine Realms, referred to as the Convergence, is imminent; as the event approaches, portals linking the worlds appear at random. Heimdall alerts Thor of Jane's recent disappearance, leading Thor to bring her to Asgard. There, the Asgardian doctors state that they cannot remove the Aether, due to its ability to discharge powerful protective energy blasts when Jane is threatened. Odin warns Thor that the infection will kill Jane given enough time, and the the Aether's return heralds a catastrophic prophecy.
Malekith, awakened by the Aether's release, turns Algrim into a Kursed and attacks Asgard. During the battle between the Asgardians and the Dark Elves, Malekith and Algrim search for Foster. When they fail to capture her, they escape, killing Thor's mother, Frigga. Despite Odin's orders not to leave Asgard, Thor reluctantly teams up with Loki, who knows a secret portal to Malekith's world, where they will bring Jane in order to lure and confront Malekith and keep him from