Red Scare 1919:
I. Mass hysteria
II. Why: unrealistic irrational fear. A. Expectations up and down:
1. Prosperity: People are doubling income (1915 income: 408$ yr to 1920 835$ year)
2. Post war recession
B. Super patriotism/Slackers (you’re a slacker if not a super patriot) 1. Committee for Public Relations (C.P.I.) (Creel Committee)
- Read propaganda papers, pushed conformity and supported Boy Scouts for war. 2. Espionage and sedition acts A. Clear and present danger: speech that presents this is not protected. (cant yell fire in a theatre as a joke when there is no fire. Not protected by amendment). 3. Radicals: A. Industrial workers of the World (IWW): nicknamed Wobblies. Loudmouth aggressive workers, and when on strike did it vigorously to prove their point. Opposed WWI. Persecuted, charged with violating sedition acts, shut down and some thrown in jail.
C. 1919 Incidents (convinced people that there are threats everywhere) 1. Bombs (mail bombs, one goes off in A. Mitchell Palmers yard so he constructed the Palmer Raids. (People that went on strikes considered radicals). 2. Strikes A. Boston police: (19 police got fired for joining AFL so rest of boston police walked off the job) Coolidge convinced them they could not strike and had to go back to work, and most did. B. Steel: went on strike for higher wages, and better working conditions. C. Coal: went on strike for higher wages. 4. Centralia Massacre 11/11/19 * Wobblies thought they were going to be attacked so they opened fire on a parade that was taking place for Armistice Day. Wobblies kill a few men, all Wobblies come out except for Wesley Everest who came out of the building firing at police killing one and he was eventually killed. (He was thought to be a crazy radical and a hero by some)
III. Palmer Raids, Dec. 1919, Jan. 1920
- Thousands of immigrants are rounded up in cities from