2. Adulation-excessive devotion to someone 3. Adversity-fortune or fate 4. Burgeon-to flourish 5. Chimera-a lion headed monster 6. Culpable-deserving blame 7. Decadent-characterized by moral or culture 8. Entreaty-earnest request or petition 9. Fatuous-foolish or inane 10 humane-compassion and sympathy for humans or animals 11. Indulgent-being lenient or permissive 12. Ineptness-below average skill 13. Ingrate-an ungrateful person 14. Inundate-to flood 15. Miser-a very stingy and greedy person 16. Nefarious-extremely villainous or wicked 17. Prattle-to talk in a foolish and simple minded way 18. Predilection-the tendency to think favorably; to be optimistic 19. Procrastinate-to defer action 20. Stoic-pertaining to school 21. Suffrage-the right to vote 22. Summon-to call for the presence of some thing specific 23. Transparent-allowing the passage of light through 24. Turbulence-a violent disorder or commotion 25. Viable-capable of living
act of refraing from
Adulation high praise
adversity misfortune aesthetic pertaining to beauty
amicable agreeable anachronistic out-of-date
anecdote short account of event
anonymous nameless antagonist opponent
arid extremely dry
assiduous hard-working asylum sanctuary
benevolent friendly, helpful
camaraderie trust among friends
censure to criticize harshly
circuitous indirect, roundabout
clairvoyant able to see the future
collaborate to work together
compassion sympathy, mercy
compromise to settle differences
condescending patronizing conditional provisional, contingent
conformist follower of customs
congregation crowd of people
convergence joining of parts