800 E. John Sims Parkway Niceville, Florida 32578
Phone: (850) 833-4114 Fax: (850) 833-4267
May 29, 2013
Dear Parent and Student,
Welcome to Niceville High School. We look forward to having you start your high school career in 2013/2014. You have chosen to take an advanced class in European History. This is an exciting time in which you will be challenged to read in depth, use critical thinking skills, and expand your writing skills. Organization is essential to being successful in this class.
Please find attached the vocabulary list for the school year. It will be helpful for you to begin making 3X5 cards and studying over the summer. During the year you will receive extra points for the study cards. At the end of the year you will have an accumulative test over the entire packet (there is never a word bank provided). You should be able to spell all the words correctly. Also, coming into the class you should be familiar with the Enlightenment movement. I have included a summary of this important theme from European history. You need to be very familiar with this time period and you have a scheduled quiz over Enlightenment on August 29th. We will spend the first week reviewing this information and learning how to set up essays for the Cambridge program from these themes.
Please note that you will receive a calendar every month with your assignments. Planning ahead and organization are critical in this class. Also, I do not give extra credit………..ever! So you must stay up with your assignments in order to earn a good grade.
I look forward to having you in class next year. I am available for after school help throughout the year. If you have any questions do not hesitate to email (bradya@mail.okaloosa.k12.fl.us) or call me 833-4114 ex 3160. You may also contact me at 850-225-7322, but I do travel during the summer so please leave your name and a