Course Syllabus Please print a copy of this syllabus for handy reference
Whenever there is a question about what assignments are due, please remember this syllabus is considered to be the ruling document.
Course Information COURSE NUMBER: Eng/221 COURSE TITLE: Technical Writing Fundamentals
COURSE START DATE: December 9, 2008
COURSE END DATE: January 26, 2009
Students are required to read all materials available at the rEsource site for this course on From your homepage, in the box for this course, click on rEsource.
Note: The Gregg Reference Manual and the APA Manual are program textbooks to be acquired at the beginning …show more content…
of the degree program to be used throughout the course of the degree Program.
Note: All reading materials can be found on the COMM/221 [pic] course page. The [pic] page can be accessed through the University of Phoenix Student and Faculty Website at
No password is required to access these readings.
Facilitator Information
Lois Theisen, MA
UOP email
Personal email—
Central Time Zone
Facilitator Availability
I 'm available from 2 P.M.-9 P.M. Central Time on most days. If these times are not convenient for you, please let me know, and I will be happy to accommodate your schedule if at all possible. I provide you with these times to make it easier to communicate with me, not to limit our contact and want you to know that, should you need to contact me outside these time frames, you should not hesitate to do so. For emergencies when you are not able to gain access to messages on the OLS exchange server - Web Access:, please send a message to my personal email address. Facilitator Bio
I am posting my Online autobiography in a separate note (in the Chat Forum) to give you more information about me. I look forward to reading your autobiographies and getting to know you.
Words of Welcome
Welcome to COMM 221, Technical Writing Fundamentals. I’ll do all I can to ensure the next five weeks will be a stimulating, learning experience for all of us. If you have questions, please feel free to post your questions under a special Questions for Lois Thread in the Main forum or send an email to me.
General Course Description
This course covers the fundamentals and best practices of using written communication in business and in the information technologies. Topics include strategies, techniques, and nuances for producing emails, memos, reports, proposals, project specifications, and user manuals as well as other technical documents. Course Objectives
• Identify uses of technical writing in the corporate environment.
• Describe the differences between technical writing and expository writing.
• Create a request for proposal.
• Apply effective document design and graphics in technical writing.
• Identify intellectual property issues in the corporate environment.
• Create letters and memos with appropriate formatting for the corporate environment.
• Integrate appropriate visual elements into a user manual.
• Create clear, concise, accurate, and coherent written communication for a user manual.
• Identify the criteria for writing a user manual.
• Use effective layout and design in presentations.
• Prepare a presentation for a management audience.
The Online Weekly Schedule
Online weeks begin on Tuesday and end on Monday.
Day 1 - Tuesday
Day 2 - Wednesday
Day 3 - Thursday
Day 4 - Friday
Day 5 - Saturday
Day 6 - Sunday
Day 7 - Monday
Where to Go to Class—Your Course Forums Main: This is the main forum for the class and is where discussion is conducted. It has read-and-write access for everyone.
Chat-Room: This is a read-and-write access forum. It is designed as a place to discuss issues not related to the course content. This is the forum to which we will send our bios.
Course-Materials: This is a read-only forum, which means you can read messages here but cannot send any. This is where I will post the course syllabus and materials.
Learning-Team-A, B, C, D and E: These five Learning Team forums will be used as workrooms for the learning teams. You will be assigned to one of these learning teams.
Individual Forum: You will see one forum with your name on it. This is a private forum, shared only by you and me, the facilitator. Your classmates won’t have access to this forum. This is where you will post some of your individual assignments, and where I will post your feedback. You can also ask questions here. However, if you have general questions about instructions of assignments, please post those in the Main forum, since other students may benefit by that exchange as well.
Please see the attendance policies included in the "POLICIES FOR UOP ONLINE COURSES" message posted by ExAdmin in the Main forum.
Policies and Procedures
Here are nine policies and procedures I expect you to know and follow during this course: 1. Attend at least 4 of 7 days of each week for all five weeks. Please note that our weeks begin on Tuesday (Day 1 = Tuesday; Day 7 = Monday) 2. Participate (know the attendance and participation policies listed in the section below). 3. Make substantive comments (discussed below) 4. Know and follow all UOP rules and regulations 5. Honor diversity. 6. Respect one another in all communications. Please do not use profanity. 7. Learn from one another and with one another. I expect everyone on a learning team to contribute significantly to the success of the writing, the project, and the team. 8. Revise what you write. Revisions are content and organization changes; revised texts should be significantly different from the first drafts. 9. All postings to the forums must be presented in at least medium type font. Using xx small or small will result in a grade penalty for lack of readability. 10. Set up a signature block. Use the Preferences in the Forums column to set your signature for every posting. 11. Use APA format for all written assignments, citations, and reference(s) pages. In addition, here are a few hints that will make managing your time and work load a bit easier: • Set up a calendar of things you need to do each day during the course. Include reading assignments, discussion question deadlines, learning team meetings, and paper due dates. I like to highlight items that I complete, so I can tell at a glance how much I’ve done and how much is left to do. • Set aside a regular time, if possible, to devote to class work. You can log on or work for five or fifty minutes each time, but try to schedule a regular time(s). Good habits can be as difficult to break as bad ones.
• Back up your work. Keep the technical support number handy. Have a disaster plan prepared, just in case the worst-case scenario does happen, whether it’s a hurricane that interrupts power for a week or a hard drive that crashes. I know I sleep better at night when I have plans in place.
In Online classes, attendance and participation are not the same thing. You can meet the attendance requirements, but still not meet the participation requirements of the course.
I use the Mountain Time Zone for calculating lateness on assignments and for calculating participation to give everyone the same amount of time for each assignment. My late policy and explanation of deadline times can be found below.
Participation is important online. You will be expected to participate in the Main Forum four days a week and to contribute at least one substantive discussion message on each of those four days. Participation is a required part of your grade. Participation consists of notes you send above and beyond graded assignments. This generally means the messages you send as replies to messages from your classmates and me. Individual discussion question responses (not answers) will count as part of participation. Participation will be counted only in the Main forum. Messages posted in the Chat Room or in the Learning Team forums will not count towards your class participation score. Messages posted to a previous week’s Discussion will not count as participation. Students need to keep current with each week’s discussion questions to further academic growth. Please note that both quantity and quality are important considerations when it comes to participation. A message which says simply, "I agree," for example, would not constitute participation since it does not add anything of substance to the discussion. To earn full participation points, you must add something of substance to the discussion at least four out of seven days per week -- this would consist of new ideas, your perspectives, pointed follow-up questions, a comparison/contrast, examples from your life experience, reactions to readings, and so forth.
You are not automatically given the points each week for participation by occasionally replying to notes. To receive a 100% participation grade, you must meet the following expectations.
Substantive Posts for Participation
Your 4 substantive replies to your classmates should be a minimum of 100-200 words and should include insightful comments or reflections of the post to which you are replying. Use the following Guidelines for your responses to other participants
Comments that are SUBSTANTIVE: • compare and discriminate between ideas, • relate knowledge from several areas and predict or draw conclusions or assess value of theories in real world situations, • make choices based on reasoned arguments from course content, • use old ideas to create new ones, • use ideas that identify separate components, identify patterns, use information from course content to solve a new problem, or that recognize hidden meanings • interpret facts, and infer causes by integrating course content. Comments that are NOT SUBSTANTIVE: • comments that recall information (from the text or discussions), demonstrate knowledge of major ideas (i.e. that list, describe label, previously stated ideas – do not build on existing information) Personal comments.
• off topic comments, or
• comments that simply state agreement or disagreement without explanation.
Expectations for Discussion Question Responses
I do not expect that discussion responses adhere to specific formatting requirements. However, please make sure to proofread carefully. Grammar and spelling errors may impact the grading. Additionally, if you use information from any outside sources for your DQ answers, be sure to cite the sources in APA format.
I expect your discussion question responses to reflect critical thought. Whenever possible, please try to relate the course content to real-world applications from your work experience.
Please do not use attachments in the Main forum. Post DQ responses in the body of OLS messages. Please post formal assignments in the Individual forum as attachments -- Word documents or PowerPoint slides, as required below. [pic]
Learning Teams
UOP students are expected to work effectively in diverse groups and teams to achieve tasks. They must collaborate and function well in team settings as both leaders and followers. They should respect human diversity and behave in a tolerant manner toward colleagues and peers. Several of the assignments in this class will be completed in Learning Teams of three to five students. I will set up these teams in Week 1. If you have any requests for teammates, please let me know on the first day of the class via private email. If you experience difficulties working with your team, you are expected to resolve them within the team if possible. However, please feel free to contact me for guidance if you have concerns in this area. In order to create structure for your Learning Team, you will complete a Learning Team Charter during Week 1. The form for this charter is available in the Course Materials forum. You will earn 5 points for this assignment. You will be asked to complete a "Peer Evaluation" during week five to assess the contributions of each member of your Learning Team (including yourself). I will take these Peer Evaluations into account when assessing individual contributions to the Learning Team projects. The Peer Evaluation form and instructions for posting are included in a separate message in the Course Materials forum. Because Learning Team projects are outcome-based, all members of your Learning Team will generally earn the same grade for Learning Team projects. However, I reserve the right to report different grades for different Learning Team members if I see a substantial imbalance in individual contribution. Learning Teams should provide a brief summary of any communication held outside the forum - e.g. if you hold conference calls, work in a real-time chat room, or in any other way get together outside the OLS (Online Learning System) environment, please post a log, transcript, or summary in the Learning Team forum. Further, please do not resort to using any of these supplementary communication tools unless everyone on your Learning Team agrees to the method and to the schedule. Should you have any questions about this, don 't hesitate to ask me.>
Late Assignments
Late assignments will not be accepted without penalty. If you find you are having trouble completing an assignment, please contact me PRIOR to the due date to arrange an extension. Late assignments will be penalized with a 10% grade deduction for each day late even with prior arrangements with me. No assignment will be accepted after three days from the due date. Deadlines will be defined as 11:59 p.m. Mountain time zone. If you know you will be offline the day an assignment is due, please make sure to post it early. Any time you feel you might be falling behind in the course, it 's best to contact me to discuss your situation. As noted in the first message posted in the Main forum, no assignments can be accepted after the final day of class.> [pic]
Academic Integrity
By virtue of membership in the University’s academic community, students accept a responsibility to abide by the Student Code of Academic Integrity, which is a part of the Student Code of Conduct. A link to the Code can be found on the Center for Writing Excellence Web site or by logging into eCampus and then clicking the following URL: Academic Honesty Academic honesty is highly valued at each UOP campus. A student must always submit work that represents his or her original words or ideas. If any words or ideas are used that do not represent the student 's original words or ideas, the student must cite all relevant sources. The student should also make clear the extent to which such sources were used. Words or ideas that require citations include, but are not limited to, all hardcopy or electronic publications, whether copyrighted or not, and all verbal or visual communication when the content of such communication clearly originates from an identifiable source. At the Online campus, all submissions to any public meeting or private mailbox fall within the scope of words and ideas that require citations if used by someone other than the original author. Academic dishonesty in an online learning environment could involve: • Having a tutor or friend complete a portion of your assignments • Having a reviewer make extensive revisions to an assignment • Copying work submitted by another student to a public class meeting • Using information from online information services without proper citation If you have any questions about appropriate academic citations, you may want to review the "Avoiding Plagiarism Tutorial". This tutorial, designed by Longman Publishing Company, is designed for use by students to help you understand and avoid plagiarism. To access the tutorial: Go to e campus Go to Center for Writing Excellence Click on Tutorials and Guides Go to Plagiarism section Select Avoiding Plagiarism
Academic Resources Coursework in this class must uphold the high standards of academic integrity established by the University of Phoenix.
Consequently, when you are conducting research for an assignment, your primary sources should be peer-reviewed academic journals, such as those you find in the University Library or in the additional readings on the rEsource page for this course. PLEASE NOTE: Internet searches will often take you to non-academic information resources such as,,,, etc. The information you find there may not be accurate since it does not come under a formal oversight or peer-review process. Do not use non-academic resources such as Wikipedia . Your primary sources should be peer-reviewed academic journals. Further, remember that you are responsible for the accuracy of any facts you present in your assignments and therefore should confirm the veracity of information you find on non-academic sources through further research. …show more content…
Inadvertent or unintentional plagiarism is defined as borrowed information included in a paper which does not include the internal citation to give credit to the original author of the information. The sources listed on the reference list MUST include the plagiarized information and MUST be accessible for confirmation. In other words, if you list a source at the end of the paper and I cannot find either the plagiarized information from your paper in that source, or cannot confirm the existence of that source, then the plagiarism committed is no longer considered inadvertent. It would now be considered intentional.
Intentional or blatant plagiarism is defined as using the whole of someone else 's work (whether via copy and paste from a source but interspersed with your own words, or via the use of a paper written by anyone but you) and passing it off as your own. Papers containing quotes but no reference list or citations would fall under this category. Papers "borrowed" or "bought" from ANY source (even family members) would fall under this category
The consequences for plagiarism in this course are as follows: 1. The first incident of inadvertent (unintentional) plagiarism will result in a grade reduction for the assignment. 2. The second incident of inadvertent (unintentional) plagiarism will result in FAILURE of the course with a plagiarism report filed with the university.
The consequences for intentional and blatant plagiarism in this course are as follows:
1. The first incident of intentional and blatant plagiarism will result in a ZERO for the assignment with a plagiarism report filed with the university.
2. The second incident of intentional and blatant plagiarism will result in FAILURE of the course with a plagiarism report filed with the university.
Confidentiality and Proprietary Information
One of the cornerstones of the UOP learning model is the practical application of theoretical concepts and you are encouraged to share your personal and professional experiences as a means to integrate the knowledge through reflecting on its application. However, it is important to note that we all are bound by confidentiality in this class. In order to assure that we can have a free and open discussion in which you may elect to discuss your company and its policies and procedures as they apply to the course material, I expect each person to respect the confidentiality of what your classmates are willing to share with us while at the same time I ask that each of you exercise good judgment in what you choose to share, avoiding non-public or competitively sensitive information. It is the University 's policy that students and faculty members must not share present or past employer information that would be considered proprietary, confidential, company-sensitive, or protected trade secrets. Students are encouraged to examine their organization 's limitations on sharing information externally.
Students and faculty members may appropriately choose to illustrate lessons from their experience that might challenge these boundaries without identifying specific employers or individuals by name. [pic]
Each week, I will provide grades or scores and comments on assignments within seven days of when they were submitted. I will post your feedback in your Individual forum. After I post feedback each week, I will post a notification in the Main forum. Grading Formula
|95 + |A | |74-76 |C |
|90-94 |A- | |70-73 |C- |
|87-89 |B+ | |67-69 |D+ |
|84-86 |B | |64-66 |D |
|80-83 |B- | |60-63 |D- |
|77-79 |C+ | |- 59 |F |
Partial points with be rounded to the nearest full point, e.g. 83.4=83 which leads to a grade of B-; 83.5=84 which leads to a grade of B.>
POINT VALUES FOR ASSIGNMENTS |Individual Assignments (70%) | |Points |
|Week Two |3 to 4 page paper |10 |
|Week Three |1 to 2 page letter |10 |
|Week Four |Request for Proposal |10 |
|Week Five |2 to 3 page critique of user manual |10 |
|Weeks 1-5 |Discussion Questions 2 per week (2 pts.) |10 |
|Weeks 1-5 |Participation –One time on 4 different days each |20 |
| |week (4 pts.) | |
|Learning Team Assignments (30%) | | |
|Week One |Learning Team Charter |5 |
|Week Three Draft |Draft of user manual |5 |
|Week Five Project |User manual of 15-20 pages |10 |
|Week Five Presentation |7 to 10 PowerPoint slide presentation |10 |
|TOTAL | |100 |
• Identify uses of technical writing in the corporate environment.
• Describe the differences between technical writing and expository writing.
• READING: Read Week One, ENG/221 Read Me First.
• EBOOK COLLECTION: Read Chapter 1 in Technical Communication: Process and Product.
• EBOOK COLLECTION: Read Chapter 2 in Technical Communication: Process and Product.
• EBOOK COLLECTION: Read Chapter 3 in Technical Communication: Process and Product.
• ARTICLE: Read the article(s) for Week One.
• NOTE: If you need additional information on topics in the Read Me First, first search the Course References, then the eBook Collection, and finally the Web Links.
1. Based on the Warrier (2008) article, what are the differences between technical writing and other forms of writing with which you might be familiar? Is technical or expository writing more persuasive? Which is used more often in the corporate environment?
2. Based on the Langley (2008) article, what is the rationale for the recommended skill-set of a typical technical writer? How would you rate your proficiency with these technical writing skills? How can you increase your proficiency in the skills that need improvement?
Due Day 1(Tuesday): Respond to the Check-in Thread in the Main forum.
Due Date 2 (Tuesday and Wednesday) Post your autobiography to the Chat Room forum. Respond to each other 's autobiographies. Check the Announcements thread for directions and information on assignments.
Due Day 3 & 5 (Thursday/Saturday): Individual Discussion Questions. Post your answers to the Week 1 Individual Discussion Questions in the Main forum and begin commenting on each other 's answers. Please post your answers in the DQ threads. Answers to each question should be at least 200-300 words.
Due Day 4 (Friday) Learning Teams Assigned. Check into your Learning Team Forum. Begin completing a Team Charter located in the Course-Materials Forum. Due Day 6 (Sunday)
Due Day 7- (Monday) Post completed Team Charter to Assignment thread in your Learning Team forum.
All Week: Participation: Contribute substantively to the class discussions 4 times out of 7 days during the week.
1. To create structure for your Learning Team, you will complete a Learning Team Charter during Week 1 due on Monday of Week one. The form for this charter is available in the Course Materials forum.
2. The Learning Team assignment is a rolling assignment in which students prepare a user manual for one of the following five items: • University of Phoenix Online Learning System (OLS) • rEsource for this class (ENG/221) • eCampus Student Web site • University Library • Virtual Organizations
The user manual should be 15-20 pages and demonstrate your ability to provide clear, concise, accurate, and coherent written communication. The manual should be targeted towards first time students who are being introduced for the first time to the item you selected. The user manual should contain the following items: • Table of contents • Written instructions for accessing, navigating, and using • Visual elements (e.g. images, flowcharts, tables, or other graphic items such as screenshots) • Appropriate headings • Legible font selections • Effective page layout including the order of information, use of whitespace, highlighting, and appropriate headings • Metadata • Headers and footers
NOTE: This assignment is due in Week Five.
For this week, begin working on the User Manual Assignment due in Week Five. Review, discuss, and select one of the items to serve as the basis for the Learning Team Assignment. Identify the criteria your team needs to create a user manual for your selected item.
Complete Learning Team Charter-- Due Day 7
Final Project and Presentation (due Week Five)
Brief Summary of Week One Deliverables
|Assignment |Individual or Learning Team |Location |Due |
|Check-in Thread |Individual |Main |Tuesday |
|Participation |Individual |Main |Ongoing— 4 days per week |
|Bio |Individual |Chat Forum |Tuesday/Wednesday |
|Individual DQ |Individual |Main |Thursday/Saturday |
|LT Charter |Learning Team |Learning Team Assignment |Monday |
| | |Thread | |
• Create a request for proposal.
• Apply effective document design and graphics in technical writing.
• READING: Read Week Two, ENG/221 Read Me First. • EBOOK COLLECTION: Read Chapter 4 in Technical Communication: Process and Product. • EBOOK COLLECTION: Read Chapter 6 in Technical Communication: Process and Product. • ARTICLE: Read the article(s) for Week Two.
Write a 3-4 page paper in which you discuss how technical writing is used in the corporate environment. Be sure to address the following: • Describe the differences between technical writing and expository writing. Identify the differences in purpose, audience, tone, and formatting for each form of writing. Provide one example of each. • Identify how technical writing is used in the corporate environment. Provide at least three examples of technical writing from your workplace or an organization with which you are familiar.
1. Based on Hamilton’s (2007) article, what intellectual property issues do you need to be concerned about as a technical writer? Where do you think most intellectual property violations occur for the technical writer? Why?
2. Based on the Alber-Morgan et al. (2007) article, how can you apply prewriting more effectively in your writing process? What tools can you use, or have you used, to improve the prewriting process?
Review the objectives from Week Two, and discuss additional insights and questions that may have arisen.
2. As a group, come to a conclusion on which item to cover in the user manual. Create a memo to your instructor explaining your proposal for your team project. Include as an attachment to your memo a 1-2 page outline of your proposed user manual.
Brief Summary of Week Two Deliverables
|Assignment |Individual or Learning Team |Location |Due |
|Participation |Individual |Main |Ongoing— 4 days per week |
|Discussion Questions |Individual |Main |Thursday/Saturday |
|Draft of User Manual |Learning Team |Learning Team Forum |Ongoing |
|Paper on Technical Writing in the |Individual |Individual Forum |Monday |
|Corporate environment | | |
|Classes that start prior to 12/22/08 |Two-week winter break |
|UOP Online Campus |12/23/08 - 01/05/09 |
Week Three
• Identify intellectual property issues in the corporate environment.
• Create letters and memos with appropriate formatting for the corporate environment.
• READING: Read Week Three, ENG/221 Read Me First. • EBOOK COLLECTION: Read Chapter 8 in Technical Communication: Process and Product. • EBOOK COLLECTION: Read Chapter 9 in Technical Communication: Process and Product. • EBOOK COLLECTION: Read Chapter 15 in Technical Communication: Process and Product. • EBOOK COLLECTION: Read Chapter 16 in Technical Communication: Process and Product. • EBOOK COLLECTION: Read Chapter 17 in Technical Communication: Process and Product.
• ARTICLE: Read the article(s) for Week Three.
Write a 1-2 page letter to Microsoft® asking permission to use screen shots of its product in a user manual. Your letter should follow the full block format with subject line layout.
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Based on Weidenhammer’s (2008) article, what guidelines for developing an RFP might be used in your organization?
2. Select a technical or business report that your company has produced (or find one on the Internet). How are the five principles of design mentioned in Ragsdale’s (2007) article used in the report? In what ways could the report you selected be improved?
Post a working draft for your user manual, outline, and memo to The Learning Team Assignment Thread in the Learning Team Forum by Sunday, Day 5.
Brief Summary of Week 3 Deliverables |Assignment |Individual or Learning Team |Location |Due |
|Participation |Individual |Main |Ongoing— 4 days per week |
|Discussion Questions |Individual |Main |Thursday/Saturday |
|Draft of user manual-Outline and |Learning Team |Learning Team Assignment |Sunday |
|Memo | |Thread | |
|Letter to Microsoft |Individual |Individual Forum |Monday |
• Integrate appropriate visual elements into a user manual.
• Create clear, concise, accurate, and coherent written communication for a user manual.
• Identify the criteria for writing a user manual.
• READING: Read Week Four, ENG/221 Read Me First.
• EBOOK COLLECTION: Read Chapter 11 in Technical Communication: Process and Product.
• EBOOK COLLECTION: Read Chapter 12 in Technical Communication: Process and Product.
• ARTICLE: Read the article(s) for Week Four.
Create a Request for Proposal (RFP) for bringing in outside trainers for your team project. Use information in your assigned readings and the examples located in the articles for Week Three as guides for writing your RFP.
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. Based on Ganier’s (2007) article, describe the critical success factors of developing an effective user manual. Which of these factors will be difficult for your group? 2. Based on Dupont and Bestgen’s (2006) article, when is it appropriate to use illustrations in a user manual? Are illustrations more effective or less effective than written instructions in communicating meaning? Why or why not?
Continue work on your User Manual Assignment:
The user manual should be 15-20 pages and should demonstrate your ability to provide clear, concise, accurate, and coherent written communication. The manual should be targeted towards first time students who are being introduced for the first time to the item you selected. The user manual should contain the following items: • Table of contents • Written instructions for accessing, navigating, and using • Visual elements (e.g. images, flowcharts, tables, or other graphic items such as screenshots) • Appropriate headings • Legible font selections • Effective page layout including the order of information, use of whitespace, highlighting, and appropriate headings, • Metadata • Headers and footers
Prepare a 7-10-slide PowerPoint® presentation, with speaker notes, which presents your team’s user manual. Your presentation should include the following: • Introduction, body, and conclusion • Effective headings and graphics • Easy to read fonts and appropriate contrast
Appropriate slide design and layout including amount of information and use of white space
Brief Summary of Week 4 Deliverables |Assignment |Individual or Learning Team |Location |Due |
|Participation |Individual |Main |Ongoing— 4 days per week |
|Discussion Questions |Individual |Main |Thursday/Saturday |
|User Manual and PowerPoint |Learning Team |Learning Team Forum |Ongoing |
|presentation | | | |
|Request for Proposal paper |Individual |Individual Forum |Monday |
• Use effective layout and design in presentations.
• Prepare a presentation for a management audience.
• READING: Read Week Five, ENG/221 Read Me First.
• EBOOK COLLECTION: Read Chapter 18 in Technical Communication: Process and Product.
• ARTICLE: Read the article(s) for Week Five.
1. Access the user manual for any one of the following programs or applications: • Microsoft® Access • Microsoft® PowerPoint® • Microsoft® Excel • Microsoft® Word • Microsoft® Outlook®
User manuals are available via the “Help” menu in any of the above mentioned programs. Do not use the Microsoft® Office® Online function to access the user manual. Prepare a 2-3 page critique of the user manual’s organization, layout, use of visuals, and written instructions. Use the criteria and best practices described throughout this course as the basis for your critique. The critique is due Monday in the Individual Forum.
Due Day 6 (Monday)-Critique of a Microsoft User Manual. Post in the Individual Forum
1. Based on the Businessline (2008) article, what are the benefits and challenges of developing and giving PowerPoint® presentations? How can we overcome these challenges?
2. Based on Brophy’s (2008) article, how can PowerPoint® be used to compensate for any oral communication deficiencies of the presenter? Have you seen presentations where the presenter used PowerPoint® effectively or ineffectively? What happened?
• Use the Learning Team Evaluation form posted in the Course Materials Forum. Each person should fill out a form including evaluating yourself and post the completed form to your Individual forum by Monday of Week Five.
Due Day 6 (Sunday)-Post the User Manual and PowerPoint Presentation to the Assignments thread in the Learning Team Forum as an attachment.
End-of-Course Survey: The Student-End-of-Course-Survey will appear at the beginning of the final week of class when you log on to your student website. Please complete it no later than Wednesday, the final day of the course.
Final Week Assignments Brief Summary of Final Week Deliverables |Assignment |Individual or Learning Team |Location |Due |
|Participation |Individual |Main |Ongoing— 4 days per week |
|Discussion Questions |Individual |Main |Thursday/Saturday |
| Final User Manual and |Learning Team |Learning Team Assignment |Sunday |
|PowerPoint presentation | |Thread | |
|Team Evaluation |Learning Team |Individual Forum |Monday |
|Critique of Microsoft User |Individual |Individual Forum |Monday |
|Manual | | | |
No Assignments will be accepted after Midnight, Mountain Time on Monday, the last day of class.
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