Writers use imagery to unlock the reader’s memory of a specific experience. Good writers use figurative language like personification to give their writing life and to connect with their audiences. C.S. Lewis’ style of writing in The Silver Chair incorporated imagery, personification and a childs sense of imagination to convey multiple messages.…
4. The narrator states that Moby Dick symbolizes three different meanings for three different characters. List the characters and the meaning which Moby Dick symbolizes for each of them. Captain Ahab symbolizes King Ahab from the `bible; the whale is symbol of God or the Devil.…
In summation, through symbolism, imagery, characterization and theme, “Literature opens a dark window on the soul, revealing more about what is bad in human nature than what is good” is proven true in…
Literature and art, which are expressions of one's ideas through writing and creativity, have survived throughout the various eras in history. Although technology could change how literature and art are delivered, it will not change man's desire to express himself. The desire to be recognized and remembered for one's literary work, as has been recognized to present, will transcend beyond this technological era.…
4. The narrator states that Moby Dick symbolizes three different meanings for three different characters. List the characters and the meaning which Moby Dick symbolizes for each of them.…
Frye uses this lecture to reinforce the idea that literature immortalizes characters and is conventional in nature. Also, he stresses the importance of imagination in literature and the importance of the imaginative nature of literature. "The world of imagination is a world of unborn or embryonic beliefs; if you believe what you read in literature, you can, quite literally, believe anything."3 In understanding the imaginative quality in literary works and the ideas behind them, allegory and allusion play an important role to the…
Ishmael, the narrator of the novel, is named after the biblical Ishmael who is the wrongly disinherited son of Abraham and Hagar (18). Both the biblical character and the narrator are portrayed as spiritual wanderers and outcasts. Ishmael tells his audience, “Whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the streets, and methodically knocking people’s hats off – then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can. This is my substitute for pistol and ball” (18). Ishmael admits he finds life on shore grim. Throughout Moby Dick there is “a symbolic opposition of land and sea, according to which the land stands for safety, security, conformity, orthodoxy, and so on, while the sea stands for the hidden, the secret, the half-known world where the other side of reality is shown and where alone one may find the full truth” (qtd. Romero). The sea is symbolically the realm of the Transcendentalist whereas the land seems to symbolize the realm of Calvinism. Melville, through saying that Ishmael felt a sense of doom on land where religious conformity was rampant, seems to be making a…
The entire semester defining what Literature is has being the course’s quest. Literature is always changing; its definition has developed and changed from time to time. To find an exact definition of what is literature, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. There have been several attempts to decipher this puzzle, in “What Is an Author” written by Michael Foucault, he emphasizes on the idea that an author exists only as a function of a written work. The author's name holds considerable power and serves as an anchor for interpreting a text. And “On the Sublime” written by Longinus, the writer states that the sublime implies that man can, in emotions and in language, transcend the limits of the human condition. This research paper consists in identifying the elements of literature by comparing two major pieces of work. In Frankenstein, Mary Shelley warns that with the advent of science, natural questioning is not only futile, but dangerous. In attempting to discover the mysteries of life, Frankenstein assumes that he can act as God. He disrupts the natural order, and chaos ensues. In “Young Goodman Brown”, Hawthorne explores the nature of imagination and reality in this mysterious story by allowing the reader to actively question the reality of the night's events. He combines a multitude of elements into it creating a sense of mystery. The short story follows Goodman Brown’s journey resulting in his loss of faith. Literature allows the reader to feel, experience, and inhabit a character or place. It goes beyond the scope of everyday fiction, reaches new insights and allows the writer to reason with the audience.…
Imagination is the power to create. It is the key component to literature. Without imagination, there won't be an interesting story, I believe. Imagination is not only important to the writer, it helps the reader broaden their interpretation of the story. "When you allow reading to unlock your imagination, your connection sets the stage for intellectual engagement. It allows the experience of reading literature to include the pursuit of ideas and knowledge." (Clugston, R.W 2010). With imagination comes genre. Choosing what category or type of literature. It can be a short story, poem, or drama. "It can be used to make broad distinctions or to identify specific categories within a broad category. The short story and the novel, for example, are specific literary genres within the broad category of fiction."(Clugston, R.W.2010). I think another very important component to literature is the tone. Setting the tone will let the reader know what attitude the literary work is going. For example, "the final lines in Updike's poem create an initial feeling of sympathy, which is likely to become empathy if the reader reflects on the dog's predicament in not being able to communicate its final struggle." (Clugston, R.W 2010). Tone is followed by image. Image represents the experience that go through your senses, the idea. Writers use specific language to describe the imagery. Again, in Frost's and Updike's poems about the dog, "In Frost's image of an old dog there's an initial feeling of sadness, but if the reader reflects on what the poem has to say about the inevitable life cycle that both the dog and the speaker face, sadness is likely to fade somewhat into acceptance."…
Symbols are used in literature to represent something more than the literal aspect itself. They can come in the form of phrases, colors, objects or events. Through this, the writer can effectively suggest unsaid ideas and meanings within the audience. The use of symbolism serves as clues by the author, to infer something more or a deeper meaning. Edgar Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart” and Joseph Conrad’s “Youth”, both use symbols to convey larger ideas and emotions from the audience but in each case they serve different meanings.…
More broadly, it captures people. It's used to definenations & time periods. Just like performing & visual arts, literary art is a form of expression, specifically 1 of humans. Authors & poets give voice to many, raise questions unthought of, & challenge external forces, including writing techniques/ genres as well as society. Oscar Wilde's play The Importance of Being Earnest satirizes Victorian England. Slaughterhouse-Five poses ideas about time. "The Sick Rose" kind of attacks a woman for not being a virgin. Shakespeare pours his view on love into "Sonnet 116." The Greeks used their plays to depict their myths. Literature is by people to arouse something within others &/or express themselves. It IS people, just in words.…
Herman Melville was born in New York City to a financially stable family. He was receiving a good education up until age 13 when his father died, stripping the family of all financial support, and leaving his eight children half orphans. Hennig Cohen, a professor of English at University of Pennsylvania, commented, “For young Melville his father's death brought an end to what seems, outwardly at least, to have been a stable and unremarkable childhood.” (n.p.) From there on, Melville began a journey, following his own American Dream in a variety of ways.…
The word literature has a great meaning in everyday life and comes in so many different ways. The body of written works of a language, period, or culture with the imaginative or creative writing especially of recognized artistic value (Houghton Mifflin Company, 2011) is the dictionary meaning. Lyrics, poems, short stories are all kinds of literature and many authors will write something they are passionate about or have an interest in. Many instances there are times a writer will write about a particular subject or within a certain genre and they write in a manner that sometimes had a hidden meaning. To know the hidden meaning the author will use symbolism, and as a writer and reader it helps to understand the elements that go into writing a poem, short story, and lyric. The writer goes through a process of creating a theme which helps to set the tone and will help them to develop the plot. Many times an author when writing a poem or lyric will not always have a character, but will have some sort of setting that resulted from the theme. All of the elements of literature need to have been put into place, and in many times the writer will also put a hidden meaning into the story, poem, or lyrics which the reader needs to read between the lines. Symbolism can be revealed in the theme, the tone or the plot of the story, poem and lyric. To find the underlying meaning or the symbolism the author is trying to portray the reader needs to be familiar with the elements of literature. The story “Used to Live Here Once” by Jean Rhys, the poem “The Road not Taken”, by Robert Frost, and the poem “My Papa’s Waltz”, by Theodore Roethke, follow the elements of literature, and have the symbolism that if the reader was not familiar with could miss the meaning of the story or poem.…
In Moby Dick, by Herman Melville, a recurring theme of death is seen throughout the book. A coffin appears at the beginning of the book and at the end of the book, Ishmael sees a large oil painting that foreshadows and represents many things and events that follow in the book, and Fedallah makes a prophecy talking about hearses and predicts Ahab's death. Ishmael stays at The Sprouter-Inn, whose proprietor was a man named Peter Coffin. In the end, Ishmael clings to a coffin for over a day until rescued by another boat. The picture Ishmael sees contains many things seen later in the book, such as a whale and a horrible storm. Fedallah's prophecy of hearses and hemp prove to be true.…
‘From work to text’ by Rolland Barthes gives an initiative to look at a piece of writing, photograph, literature piece, painting, sculpture et cetera from a different way, in which the piece is analyzed as a work and as a text. Simply to state, something is ‘a work’ if it is concrete and occupies some space in book (in a library for an instance). It is a finished and countable object. And a text on the other hand is a “methodological field, which is only experienced only when working on it, in production.” A work is believed to contain number of meanings hidden on it, which are found on being read. So texts remain inside the works and diverse readers get to perceive it in diverse circumstances.…