Clugston, R. W. (2010). Journey into literature. San Diego, California: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Chapter 27 in The Norton Introduction to Literature talks about Paraphrase, summary, and description. This chapter explains how to practice writing an essay and even completing an essay using three different key points. This chapter helps you to understand paraphrasing, summarizing, and even describing someone’s work. This chapter also talks about the different forms of writing and an essay is just one way. Learning how to paraphrase, summarize, and how to use description will help produce an essay worthy of the original piece of work.…
Sometimes when people think about the calming sound of a night-time melody, the catchy beat of a popular song, or simply the words in a poem that captures how you feel and you can perfectly relate to. What comes to mind when we mention a poem? Usually what people think or what people’s thoughts go to, are emotions and rhyme. I think it takes a little more of each person’s perspective into the situation, not only the writer’s but also the reader’s perspective, which is what gives that extra spark to the piece. The literary element that is the most important to bring a poem to life is imagery; it would help the reader…
When reading literature the author tries to establish emotion, satire, tone, and farce as well as other feelings and thoughts. When an author writes a poem they try to establish a feeling making the reader feel as if they are involved in the work being produced weather is be happy, sad, funny, or scary.…
As quoted by American author Ray Bradbury, “plot is no more than footprints left in the snow after your characters have run by on their way to incredible destinations”, a piece of literature is composed from documenting the various actions committed by its characters. Their personas alter from chapter to chapter, scene to scene, as they experience external influences such as other characters, tragedy, profit, etc. Character growth and change is then the focal point of any work as it creates the conflicts which produce the work.…
literary works is a key theme early authors used to give their works more depth…
Jonathan Lozano English 2 HP 23 August 2014 English II Honors Summer Reading 2014 Chapter 1: Every Trip Is a Quest (Except When It’s Not) Main Ideas/Questions Details A quest consists of five things. Things to consider. Is every trip really a quest?…
Poetry is different from fiction literature because of the detail within it. Poetry explains more by corresponding emotion and detail rather than ordinary language. Poetry delivers emotion and thought deliberately because it is made to do so. When reading poetry it is important to read to hear the sounds because it is meant to be heard. Interpreting the true meaning within a poem can be challenging because poetry uses intense figurative language and symbolism. Figurative language helps the reader know the mood of the scene in a poem. One of the most important types of figurative language is Allegory. Allegory can be referred to as the second meaning of a word or phrase in a poem. It can also be referred to as an extended metaphor because it the word or phrase goes beyond the surface of thought. In poetry, the average word has two component parts: denotation and connotation. Denotation is the dictionary meaning of the word while connotations are what the word suggests or what it expresses. For instance, the denotation of the word happy can be referred to as the act of happiness but the connotation of the word happy varies within different individuals because different things make individuals happy. Another important aspect of poetry is imagery. Imagery can be defined as the representation through language of sense experience. Because poetry appeals directly to the readers senses, imagery is key to a successful poem.…
Literature is one of the main ways people express themselves through. The stories being written serve to make the reader think and finish the book with having more knowledge than they did going in. Literature is full of messages that help the reader realize there’s more to this story and what the writer is trying to tell them. That the words written down are more than just what they say, they were deliberately put there by the writer trying to get the reader to understand. Literature use of themes helps people connect more to humanity and themselves.…
The word literature has a great meaning in everyday life and comes in so many different ways. The body of written works of a language, period, or culture with the imaginative or creative writing especially of recognized artistic value (Houghton Mifflin Company, 2011) is the dictionary meaning. Lyrics, poems, short stories are all kinds of literature and many authors will write something they are passionate about or have an interest in. Many instances there are times a writer will write about a particular subject or within a certain genre and they write in a manner that sometimes had a hidden meaning. To know the hidden meaning the author will use symbolism, and as a writer and reader it helps to understand the elements that go into writing a poem, short story, and lyric. The writer goes through a process of creating a theme which helps to set the tone and will help them to develop the plot. Many times an author when writing a poem or lyric will not always have a character, but will have some sort of setting that resulted from the theme. All of the elements of literature need to have been put into place, and in many times the writer will also put a hidden meaning into the story, poem, or lyrics which the reader needs to read between the lines. Symbolism can be revealed in the theme, the tone or the plot of the story, poem and lyric. To find the underlying meaning or the symbolism the author is trying to portray the reader needs to be familiar with the elements of literature. The story “Used to Live Here Once” by Jean Rhys, the poem “The Road not Taken”, by Robert Frost, and the poem “My Papa’s Waltz”, by Theodore Roethke, follow the elements of literature, and have the symbolism that if the reader was not familiar with could miss the meaning of the story or poem.…
Imaginative writing is an art that expresses ideas and thoughts in an imaginative way. This art involves universal laws of human nature, and both time and place. Without connecting the reader through these principles, the author’s work is somewhat meaningless. In order for the author to gain something through his/her work, the author must be able to manipulate the perceptions of the reader. This can be done by successfully incorporating the five elements of craft found in literature. These elements function to focus the reader towards a specific end, and the five elements include: image, voice, character, setting and story. It is imperative that the author utilizes these elements to create a piece that stimulates emotions in the reader.…
Literature, among other things way for people to lose themselves in an entertaining story about a subject that require little thinking and raises very few questions, or it can be the complete opposite, which is a really badly told story with a very intriguing concept of discussion. But Great Literature requires both parts to inform the audience of a touchy, edgy, or tender subject or at least brings it to their attention, and does this in an exciting entertaining way so that the reader wants to know what happens next and gives them with something to take away from the experience. It remains up to the writer to skillfully blend these two elements before his or her work can be classified as Great Literature and survive the stand the test of time.…
The Social novel, also known as the social problem (or social protest) novel, is a "work of fiction in which a prevailing social problem, such as gender, race, or class prejudice, is dramatized through its effect on the characters of a novel". More specific examples of social problems that are addressed in such works, include poverty, conditions in factories and mines, the plight of child labour, violence against women, rising criminality, and epidemics because of over-crowding, and poor sanitation in cities.…
I believe that one very good definition of literature given to us in class is that literature must have certain qualities such as plot, characters, tone, symbols, conflict, point of view, and many other elements working together in a dynamic relationship to produce a literary work. This pretty much defines the way that most people see literature today. This allows for oral traditional stories as well as for the irregular forms of writing such as plays and poems that can also have plot, characters, tone and the other elements mentioned so that they can be deemed a literary work.…
An Episode in the life of an author by P.Baburaj, Senior Lecturer, Dept of English, Sherubtse College, Bhutan…
(philosophy) an occurrence effected by the volition of a human agent, usually opposed at least as regards its explanation to one which is causally determined Compare event (sense 4)…