There is a metaphorical meaning to the title of the piece: when the shadow of death passes over those who are dying (which is at five o’clock for the speaker). The shadow of death is characterized by the feelings this man feels at a certain time of day: he feels that he can no longer suffer through the physical pain, struggling with inevitable death; he feels weaker, and that he “can struggle less strongly” (3); he feels betrayed by those who are supposed to support him in his final days; he feels a “lonely terror” (16) only intensify. At this time of day, he feels his emotional and physical pain most acutely, as the solitude presses in on him. He recognizes that his isolation and misery become unbearable then, and that the shadow enveloping him is that of death, severing him emotionally from those around him. This shadow falls on him, and he feels just enough more isolated to push him closer to giving up. The propinquity of death weakens him, and so he
There is a metaphorical meaning to the title of the piece: when the shadow of death passes over those who are dying (which is at five o’clock for the speaker). The shadow of death is characterized by the feelings this man feels at a certain time of day: he feels that he can no longer suffer through the physical pain, struggling with inevitable death; he feels weaker, and that he “can struggle less strongly” (3); he feels betrayed by those who are supposed to support him in his final days; he feels a “lonely terror” (16) only intensify. At this time of day, he feels his emotional and physical pain most acutely, as the solitude presses in on him. He recognizes that his isolation and misery become unbearable then, and that the shadow enveloping him is that of death, severing him emotionally from those around him. This shadow falls on him, and he feels just enough more isolated to push him closer to giving up. The propinquity of death weakens him, and so he