1. What were the goals of the Great Powers at the Congress of Vienna? What were their aims and how did they redraw the map of Europe in the wake of Napoleon’s defeat? What did the chief architects of the Congress, such as Metternich, hope to achieve?
Congress of Vienna was a conservative group that aimed to develop peaceful international relations system
Goal: achieve postwar stability by establishing secure states with guaranteed borders.
Restore regimes to original rulers
Austrian Netherlands and Dutch Republic- united into a new kingdom
German states- German Confederation that built on Napoleon’s Confederation of the Rhine
Napoleon’s duchy of Warsaw became Kingdom of Poland and the tsar of Russia as the king.
Prussia gained territory in Saxony and left bank of Rhine
Austria claimed the Italian provinces of Lombardy and Venetia and the Dalmatian coast
Metternich wanted to contain French aggression while maintaining France’s great power states
Metternich > Austria; Castlereagh > Great Britain; Nesselrode > Russia; Hardenberg > Prussia; Tallerand> France
Negotiated the Treaty of Paris
Metternich led the Congress. France added as 5th wanted to restore power to divine right rulers
“balanced power” and stability for Europe in the hands of the Main Powers.
2. Explain the emergence of Liberalism as a distinct political and social ideology in the early 19th century. Who were the 19th century liberals and how were they different from their modern counterparts of the same name? How did Liberalism differ from socialism and conservatism in the early 19th century?
The want to establish legal equality regardless of social order, religious toleration, freedom of the press, and freedom of the governed.
It was allowed in order to prevent an uprising or revolution
Adam Smith (Laissez- Faire economics), John Locke, Thomas Malthus, David Ricardo > based ideas on the theories of natural law and utilitarianism (economic