1. Macedonian professional army-advantages included a wide range of specialists, strict discipline and elimination of large numbers of noncombatant servants
2. Battle of Chaeronea- ended Greek city state freedom once and for all.
3. Philip of Macedon-by his death he had installed his despotic rule throughout Greece
4. Alexander-was motivated by the desire for personal power and glory
5. Despotism-absolute power- of authority of rulers who represented themselves as at least semi-divine
6. Hellenistic age government- the dominant form in lands conquered by Alexander except mainland Greece was despotism
7. Hellen economics- was generally prosperous owing to the growth of trade, the emergence of an international money economy, & rice of cities
8. Cynics- philosophical movement that advocated a natural and self sufficient life
9. Stoics- argued that all events are rigidly determined and that therefore no individual is in control of his or her destiny
10. Democritus- Greek thinker that founded materialistic atomism and epicureans basic beliefs
11. Epicureans- taught that the state is a mere convenience that absolute justice is a fiction, and no wise man would take an active part in politics.
12. Skepticism-believed that we cannot prove anything
13. Hellenistic Religion- personal emotional religions, elaborate ritual & salvation
14. Mithras- a lieutenant of Zoroastrianism’s omnipotent god Ahura-Mazda
15. Mithraism- appealed to the lower classes because it offered an elaborate ritual and promise of salvation
16. Polybius- historian who argued that nations pass through predictable cycles of growth and decay
17. Utopias- descriptive accounts of ideal states
18. Corinthian column- very ornate signature of Hellen. Arch.
19. Hellen sculpture- contained extreme naturalism, the desire to create something unique, and exaggerated postures
20. Almagest- heavenly bodies revolved around the earth, classic ancient astronomy
21. Euclid- master of geometry