Economic factors were a crucial component in the collapse of the Weimar republic and therefore, the rise of the Nazi party between 1918 and 1933. According to Hugo Preuss, “Weimar was born with a curse upon it.” This refers to the harsh conditions set by the Treaty of Versailles, and also the huge reparation payments of $6600 million that Germany were forced to pay as a result of their part in WW1. This was particularly difficult for Germany as their economy was weakened from funding their war effort. However John Hiden felt that other factors contributed more to the collapse of Weimar and the expansion of the Nazis. “Versailles certainly did not doom the Republic from birth.” Another important ingredient in the rise of the Nazis was the hyper inflation of 1923. It came as a result of Germany missing one of the reparation payments. This gave the French and the Belgians the excuse to invade the heart of the German economy, the Ruhr. To limit the benefit to the invaders, a general strike was called. However this slowed and nearly stopped their economy. More money was printed to try and solve…
The period between 1924 and 1929 is known as the ‘Golden Age’ or ‘The Years of Hope’. Some people think that the Weimar Republic recovered, but others disagree and think that it’d got worse or was only a slight improvement.…
A major flaw in the Weimar constitution was the proportional representation electoral system, which was an attempt to become more democratic. Democracy comes at the price of a strong government as it is usually difficult to form a stable government in a democracy. This can be manifested by the fact that in the mere period of 14 years, there were 21 different governments and 13 chancellors. This shows that the Weimar government lacked stability and strength which would make it almost impossible for the government to be effective and tackle the problems. How could the government solve the difficult troubles that Germany was facing, when they could not even manage to cooperate and unite? Since, proportional representation is one of the fairest electoral systems, it was impossible to form a strong single party government who had a good hold in the Reichstag and only weak coalitions which could not agree upon a decision was formed. Weak coalitions meant ineffective and incompetent governments. On the other hand, it could be said that the Weimar governments were not as unstable as it is claimed to be. The Weimar constitution has produced effective and stable governments such as the grand coalition which was seen as a strong government and it stood for the longest amount of time. Also, despite the numerous changes in government, the base parties of…
These attempts to overthrow were very short term and only lasted a matter of days. Another short term problem included the French Occupation of the Ruhr. The treaty of Versailles states that the Allies could occupy areas in Germany as compensation if Germany failed to make a reparations payment. In 1923 Germany failed to make payments in order to give its economy a chance to stabilise, but this went against the Treaty over Versailles so France and Belgium sent troops into the Ruhr to confiscate German production, allowing France to receive the profits from German industries in the Ruhr. This caused a strike and passive resistance in protest, and German industrial production stopped. This then led to hyperinflation, another problem faced later on by the Weimar Government, finally leading to Germanys entire financial…
In the years following World War I, Germany had suddenly became a democratic state. The Weimar Republic created a divided situation in Germany, one that led to its downfall. The weak leadership of those at the head of government, the apathy of the German population towards democracy and the outright rejection of democracy by the communists were all factors that led to the instability and downfall of the Weimar Republic.…
The collapse of the Weimar Republic and the subsequent takeover by Adolf Hitler in 1933 was influenced by a wide range of factors. Although the revolution of 1918 resulted in a drastic shift within the German political system, the same could not be said for the social structure, culture and old institutes of Germany. Famously acknowledged as a “republic born with a hole in its heart” the overturn of the Hohenzollern monarchy in replacement for the Republic, was fraught with difficulties from its onset, including the failure of the conservative elites to support democracy, the perceived injustice of the Treaty of Versailles, economic and political instability, and the rise to power of the Nazis. A catalyst for the collapse was the Great Depression which unleashed economic, social and political chaos in Germany in the era between 1930 and 1933. With the appointment of Hitler as Chancellor in January 1933, the Weimar Republic ceased to exist.…
Born in the ashes of defeat the Weimar Republic was undermined with the failures of the past. Due to widespread distrust in democracy, reinforced by economic crises, aggravated by the Treaty of Versailles, and opposing parties from both ends of the political spectrum, the Weimar Republic was doomed for failure. The new government was the body that signed the Treaty of Versailles, and to many, that was a betrayal. The consequences were severe, and many were looking for someone to blame, the government was ideal.…
From its beginning in the chaotic and unstable months of 1918, the Weimar Republic was a government without allies in any significant quarter of German society, a regularity which persisted till its death throes and final end in 1933. Though the mass…
The period of 1919 to 1923 saw numerous factors threaten the stability of the Weimar Republic. The political violence from both the left and right wing parties, the weakness of the Weimar Constituion itself and the economic issues such as hyperinflation all posed as threats to the stability of the Republic. However, although the statement above claims that the political violence from the right was the main threat to the stability of the republic, the Treaty of Versailles resulted in the republic itself been built upon resentment and failure. In turn, this saw the ‘stab in the back’ myth take its toll on the army and saw the public reel in humiliation and anger. This was a bigger and more significant threat to the stability of the republic than any political violence could possibly be.…
Also the terms of the Treaty of Versailles obliged Germany to pay a huge sum in reparations to the others. In 1921, Germany couldn’t pay that sum and French troops invaded and occupied the Ruhr. They took away goods and raw materials that were strongly needed by the Germans. Those reacted by printing more money and by 1923 they had reached hyperinflation.…
After Germany lost the First World War, the Kaiser fled and a new democratic government of Germany was declared in February 1919 at the small town of Weimar. It was too dangerous to make a declaration in Berlin where there had just been a revolt by a Communist group called the Spartacists.…
In the 1920’s, America was evolving into a fun, carefree, and entertaining country – or so many people thought. On the outside, many people observed Americans with prosperity, lavish lives, and new opportunities through new technology and inventions. However, although America seemed to be well off at the time and enjoying life, it was only a slight cover up. Inside the country, there was turmoil which included debt and war. For this reason, America earned the reputation of the 1920’s as the Roaring Twenties due to the positive outcomes of the economic conditions, developments in the arts, and developments in entertainment.…
and the new had many roots and was inevitable. A new sense of awareness washed…
To What Extent Did the Collapse Of the Weimar Republic Lead To The Rise Of Hitler and The Nazi Party?…
The people of ancient Greece worshiped an abundance of different deities, each with their own particular domain and personality. Though there are only twelve main gods or “Olympians”, thousands more were worshiped by the individuals within this society. In fact, many families had their own personal household gods. Religious practice was a primary part of the daily lives of many people in ancient Greece. They worshipped in sanctuaries either in the city in which they lived, in the countryside, or in their own homes.…