The Westward Movement -Pioneer life was poor (aka, disease and loneliness)
Shaping the Western Landscape -Booming industry in Rocky Mountains: fur trapping. In summer, fur trappers traded beaver pelts for manufactured goods in the East.
The March of Millions
-Mid 1800s, population 2x every 25 years
-By 1860, there were 33 states and the U.S. was the 4th most populous country in the western world.
-Standards of living and disease increased due to population
-Europe immigrants- Europe running out of room
The Emerald Isle Moves West
-1840’s- Irish came to America from potato rot (which caused famine). Irish- Roman Catholic, politically powerful, didn’t own much, were hated by workers of factories, hated the blacks, and hated the British.
The German Forty-Fighters
-1830-1860, Germans immigrated to America from hardships. Germans owned a lot, were more educated than Americans, and didn’t like slavery.
Flare-ups of Antiforeignism
-Immigration of the Europeans to America fired prejudices of American nativists
- Roman Catholics devised different education system to avoid American one
-Riots between two religions
The March of Mechanization
-America- didn’t like machines as much because peasant preferred crops to factories. -Labor was hard to come by until 1840s
Whitney Ends the Fiber Famine
-Samuel Slater- stole plans from Britain for textile machines
-Eli Whitney- built the first cotton gin in 1793.
-The cotton gin was efficient, which relieved the South’s need for slaves
-New England was seen as the industrial