A major difference between the north and the south was the legality of slavery, according to compromise of 1820 the line of 36 ' '30 ' north divided this country into two parts, the southern parts contained with a large amount of plantations and slave owners. In the north the increasingly flourished international trades, the developing industrialization and the urbanization pushed the process to form the market economy, but in the west, because of the allowance of slaves, most economic activities were labor intensive as well as based on agriculture, which limited the development in industries and urban areas. Up to 1860 only New Orleans could be counted as a "city" with 168 thousands of people in the south. Although the south produced nearly 3/4 of the world 's cotton production, the industrial products were only 10% for the whole US. Slavery, as the foundation of southern economy, further influenced the opinions about race, the politics and the laws, while the north, mostly seen the south as behindhand and as a barrier of the advancement of US economy. One of the influences was about social structure, in the south the idea of patriarchy was dominant, and as the fact that the big slave owners gained social statue and political careers at the same
A major difference between the north and the south was the legality of slavery, according to compromise of 1820 the line of 36 ' '30 ' north divided this country into two parts, the southern parts contained with a large amount of plantations and slave owners. In the north the increasingly flourished international trades, the developing industrialization and the urbanization pushed the process to form the market economy, but in the west, because of the allowance of slaves, most economic activities were labor intensive as well as based on agriculture, which limited the development in industries and urban areas. Up to 1860 only New Orleans could be counted as a "city" with 168 thousands of people in the south. Although the south produced nearly 3/4 of the world 's cotton production, the industrial products were only 10% for the whole US. Slavery, as the foundation of southern economy, further influenced the opinions about race, the politics and the laws, while the north, mostly seen the south as behindhand and as a barrier of the advancement of US economy. One of the influences was about social structure, in the south the idea of patriarchy was dominant, and as the fact that the big slave owners gained social statue and political careers at the same