15 December 2013 Most political disputes were mostly over the issue of slavery, the two sides of this issue were should slavery be abolished in the union, or should it be left alone. Because slavery was such a hot topic, many compromises including the Missouri compromise, and the compromise of 1850 touched on slavery, and tried to appease both sides. Compromise seemed to be the best and most effective to use in the early nineteenth century, but by 1860 this no longer seemed possible. The two differing viewpoints had little room for compromise this change being because of political, social, and intellectual reasons. As Political parties became heated the idea of compromise was seen as even more improbable. The idea of Westward Expansion due to ‘Manifest Destiny’ led to more territorial expansion. The North wanted these future states to be slave states, but the south wished otherwise this led to more conflict in congress. After the United States Acquired land from Mexico after the Mexican-American war, things worsened. The Wilmont Proviso (which panned to ban slavery in any territory they received from Mexico) although was unsuccessful, it split political parties and led to the creation of the antislavery Republican Party in 1854. …show more content…
As part of the compromise of 1850, the Fugitive slave act was passed (The North to return runaway slaves to the south); in response the north established personal freedom laws. Essentially the North gets more from the compromise of 1850, and by not complying with the Fugitive slave law made it even more of a Northern victory. Northerners saw laws that endorse slavery as contrary to Gods law and therefore invalid, this unfairness in the Union caused a split to occur, a split that may not be mended. The election of a new president would finish the split between the North and South and lead to a