In a knowledge-based economy, we spend more time at work than we spend anywhere else in our lives. Money is perceived to be the key motivating factor and the most prominent feature for work. Work has historically been thought of as a job, how to make some original contribution to the world, and in the process not to starve. One of the reasons behind why people work is: the moral necessity to work. We will access about the concept of a ‘work ethic’ and the various elements that encourage people to work irrespective of any economic necessity.
The moral necessity to work
Work ethics include not only how one feels about their job, career or vocation, but also how one does his/her job or responsibilities. My colleague, Simon Lum is a Senior Project Coordinator. He has been with our company for the past 12 years. He is an employee with a good work ethic. He would complete a project and other tasks with high quality, and take pride in the quality of his work. To him, a good work ethic involves attitude, behaviour, respect, communication, and interaction. He believes that, a work is an obligation and responsibility. A strong work ethic means taking pride in our work, regardless of what job we hold. Everyone must work to the best of their ability and thereby contribute to society. The pride depends on two factors: the belief in the value of all work and the belief in the value of us. Work as a central life activity. Work centrality is one of the important aspects in our life, beside family, religion, community and leisure. A person’s work centrality tends to increase with age, a person’s social life tends to slow down with age and family is likely to take a more central role. Work as conscientious endeavour. This theme of work ethic emphasises the important of doing a job diligently. We need both excellence and a good work ethic to succeed at work. Work as disciplined compliance. Have a sense of integrity and honor. To have integrity