SA Projects
Presenations start Friday
All SA paper due Friday
Guidelines on paper
Format mla or apa
Staple grading rubric
Online: Final Exam
Can be taken from anywhere, as long as you have a reliable computer and or internet connection
Thursday December 19th
9:45-11:45 am
70 questions
30 new ones week 13 15 16
40 previous questions quiz questions (lecture and material from weekes one through 12)
Friday 13th in class study session
Health in the online oxford English dictionary
Soundness of body
What is health?
Body functioning normally
Selfishness (to be doing something for ones material advantage)
Legal/social system=political (board of health)
“Eat right, get enough sleep and exercise”
Implies personal responsibility/morality does not account for other factors, (genetics/environment)
Implies same rules apply to everyone
Health is physical. Mental social and cultural
Health standards or beliefs
Health varies
Health changes over time (what docs think is good for you)
Intersectionality matters too
Access or denial certain services or information
Sexual orientation: Ireland: lesbians may be denied pap smears because it is believed that they cannot get some disesases or infections
Gender: Globally, girls are on avg fed less than boys
Responsibility for contraception or protection
Pathologies may depend on social class, geographical location color
Chernobyl, Ukraine, nuclear accident in 1986 still consequences today.
Migrant population in Scandanavia and Vitamin D deficiency
Age of death too
Helath/medical system do not exist in a vacuum
May reflect society biasis and beliefs
Medical/health system as androcentric
Since at least ancient Greece white male body was the norm
Aristotle woman was a incomplete unfinished man
Womens reprocutive sytem = inversion of mens
Belief wa held until 18th century
Feminine body as monstrous women as pathological