Fundamentals of Communication
Fall 2014
Instructor: Natonya Blackmun Listach, M.A. Email: (This is the best way to contact me.)
Office Hours and Location: MWF 10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m., 12:35 p.m. – 1:35 p.m., 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Location – Jones Hall Room 320 (615-898- 5176).
Required Textbook and Other Materials: The Art of Public Speaking 11th edition by Stephen Lucas, an access code to the ConnectLucas website (comes with a new book), size 4x6 note cards, USB Flash Drive (at least 1 GB).
Communication Outside of Class: Communication will be done through MTSU e-mail accounts. Assignments will be completed through D2L and/or the ConnectLucas webpage. Please make sure you regularly check each. All emails MUST include your name and class meeting time. If you do not follow the email etiquette guidelines on D2L your email WILL NOT be answered.
COMM 2200 – Fundamentals of Communication (3 credits): Principles and processes underlying human communication; communication models; communication purposes and breakdowns; variables related to interpersonal, small group, intercultural, and public communication; emphasis on public oral communication including research, critical thinking, organization, presentation, and listening. Counts as part of the General Education Communication requirement.
General Education Requirement for Communication: The goal of the Communication requirement is to enhance the effective use of the English language essential to students’ success in school and in the world by way of learning to read and listen critically and to write and speak thoughtfully, clearly, coherently, and persuasively.
Learning Outcomes: Students will demonstrate the ability to analyze and evaluate oral and/or written expression by listening and reading critically for elements that reflect an awareness of situation, audience, purpose, and diverse points of view; distill a