Chapter I. Irony
i.i Types of irony
i.ii Irony in literature
Conclusion to the Chapter I
Chapter II. “The Jewelry” by Guy de Maupassant ii.i Plot summary ii.ii Analysis of the story ii.iii Irony in “The Jewelry”
Conclusion to Chapter II
“Expect the unexpected,” is something that I heard many times. We should follow this rule while reading different genres of writing, because writers use irony to keep readers’ attention, and make their works more interesting.
This research paper deals with one of Guy de Maupassant’s short story “The Jewelry” and with his virtuous ability to use irony in it.
It is sometimes said that we live in an age of irony. Because nowadays even politicians in their speeches use ironical device, in order to catch attention of society. Barry Brummet (expert in Techniques of Close Reading) in one of his speech mentioned that "Irony is a kind of winking at each other, as we all understand the game of meaning reversal that is being played."
The story was first published in Maupassant’s short-story collection “Contes du jour et de la nuit” in 1885. Since that time people have been reading it, and it won popularity among them. So it has a lot of interesting opinions and analysis which were made by famous critics and writers like Leo Tolstoy. Maupassant is considered one of the finest short story writers of all time and a champion of the realist approach to writing. “The Jewelry” is interesting to read because it contains irony. Irony has always been fascinating object to study, and it is widely known and popular to use in modern time as in literature so in speech. It is splendid story; despite of being short it has deep sense and contains interesting topics to discuss. In “The Jewelry” reader can see what ironical games life can play with us and to what conclusion it can lead us.
Chapter I Irony
The Greek etymology of the word irony, είρωνεία
Bibliography: 1. Edgar Allan Poe, “The Casque of Amontillado”, The Norton Introduction to Literature 8th edition 2. Guy de Maupassant, “Original short stories”, translated by Albert M. C. McMASTER and others, Plymouth edition, South Australia 5005 3. Guy De Maupassant, “The Jewelry.” The Norton Introduction to Literature. 9th edition 4. Short Story Criticism, Gale Cengage, 2004 5. William Shakespeare, “Romeo and Juliet”, Foreign Language Publishing House, Moscow, 1951 6. William Shakespeare, “The tragedy of Othello”, Foreign Language Publishing House, Moscow 1963 7. 8. 9. 10.