辽宁大学国际关系学院世界经济系 国际经济与贸易专业 邢源源教授 lnxingyuanyuan@hotmail.com
一、网络练习:利用globalEDGE http://globalEDGE.msu.edu/网络资源完成下列练习
Exercise 1
Your company has developed a new product that is expected to achieve high penetration rates in all the countries where it is introduced, regardless of the average income status of the local populace. Considering the costs of the product launch, the management team has decided to initially introduce the product only in countries that have a sizeable population base. You are required to prepare a preliminary report with the top ten countries of the world in terms of population size. Since growth opportunities are another major concern, the average population growth rates should be also listed for management’s consideration.
Exercise 2
You are working for a company that is considering investing in a foreign country. Management has requested a report regarding the attractiveness of alternative countries based on the potential return of FDI. Accordingly, the ranking of the top 25 countries in terms of FDI attractiveness is a crucial ingredient for your report. A colleague mentioned a potentially useful tool called the “FDI Confidence Index” which is updated periodically. Find this index, and provide additional information regarding how the index is constructed. In addition, discuss the changes that have taken place over the years in the countries ranked in the top 25 countries.
Exercise 1
The Freedom in the World survey evaluates the state of political rights and civil liberties around the world. Provide a description of this survey and a ranking (in terms of “freedom”) of the leaders and laggards of the world. What factors are taken into consideration in this survey when forming the rankings?
Exercise 2
Market Potential Indicators (MPI) is an indexing study conducted by the Michigan State University