A Farewell To Arms


Take The Quiz

1. What is the occupation of the novel’s narrator, Frederic Henry?

a. an American soldier in World War I

b. an ambulance driver for the Italian army during World War I

c. a French soldier during World War II

2. Who is Frederic’s roommate?

a. Rinaldi, an Italian surgeon

b. The army chaplain, referred to as “the priest”

c. An Italian-American soldier named Moretti

3. What is the nationality of Catherine Barkley?

a. Scottish

b. British

c. American

4. What beloved person has Catherine lost to the war?

a. Her brother

b. Her father

c. Her fiancé

5. When does Frederic Henry realize that he is in love with Catherine?

a. The moment he meets her

b. When he sees her in the hospital after he has been injured

c. He is never really in love with her

6. When Henry is nearly healed from his leg injury, what illness does he suddenly suffer from?

a. Jaundice

b. Cholera

c. Gangrene

7. Upon returning to duty at the front after his hospital stay in Milan, who is the first person Henry talks to?

a. Rinaldi

b. The major

c. The priest

8. What disease does Rinaldi fear he has contracted?

a. Jaundice

b. Syphilis


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Essays About A Farewell To Arms