"1 3 analyse effective ways of promoting well being and resilience in the work setting" Essays and Research Papers

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    Assignment 3 Task 1

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    102475887 Task 1 1:1 * Explain why effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children‚ young people and adults. Effective communication is essential for developing effective working relationships with colleagues‚ parents and pupils. The first step towards effective communication with adults and children is being able to listen attentively to what they have to say. Nearly all breakdowns in communication are due to people not listening to each other. Effective communication

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    Promoting Gender Equality

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    irrespective of gender; to choose outcomes they have reason to value. It is integral to ideas of educational quality‚ as an education system would lack key dimensions of quality if it was discriminatory or did not develop capabilities in children to work for an education that was personally and socially worthwhile. Some aspects of this are the freedom to enter school‚ to learn and participate there in safety and security‚ to develop identities that tolerate others‚ to promote health and to enjoy economic

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    “Our history does not determine our destiny‚” stated Boris Cyrulnik‚ author of Resilience: How Your Inner Strength Can Set You Free From the Past. Resilience can come from many places in a person‚ but when looking at the nature versus nurture perspective‚ it is nature that most strongly determines how resilient a person will be‚ and not based quite as much upon how they were nurtured. As Cyrulnik said‚ it is not our history‚ in other words‚ not how we’ve been previously nurtured‚ that determines

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    I have the ability to work well when working alone and when working independently. One of my best attributes is that I see mistakes as an opportunity to learn and improve; I also see mistakes as an opportunity to ask for help. I have been able to produce high quality work throughout school in most subjects and know that this will continue into sixth form. I perform well when working alone and when working independently. I am punctual‚ reliable and organised; often using my planner to keep track of

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    Advertisement Advertising is one of the best ways to get consumers’ attention. When the ad is spiced up with handsome men and beautiful women enjoying the great outdoors‚ people are likely to take a look at the ad‚ thinking it may be for a nice vacation or possibly for something healthy‚ but to the consumers’ surprise‚ it’s an ad for “Newport” cigarettes. How does this affect the audience? By creating an environment on the ad that is bright‚ lively and colorful‚ along with attractive men and women

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    How effective would an increase in government spending be at promoting economic growth? Economic growth is best defined as a long-term expansion of the productive potential of the economy. Sustained economic growth should lead higher real living standards and rising employment. Short term growth is measured by the annual % change in real GDP. Government spending is a way of increasing aggregate demand‚ and if successful can help boost economic growth. Government spending tends to be directed at

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    Malcom (2007)‚ who sought to ascertain how teachers developed resilience and if their ability to be resilient impacted their retention in the profession‚ studied 14 beginning teachers (3 males‚ 11 females) in three experience ranges of one‚ three‚ and five years. Interview results revealed the most important attributes of resilient teachers uttered by interviewees. These ideas included bouncing back (11 times)‚ being flexible (9)‚ keep going (7)‚ keeping a positive attitude (14)‚ understanding oneself

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    Biodiversity is extremely important to the functionality of an ecosystem. It allows for food security for animals‚ including humans. It also is important for resilience. If an ecological disturbance were to happen such as a drought‚ flood‚ or disease‚ resilience is the ability of an ecosystem to recover from that disturbance. Biodiversity is key to resilience since species can shift their roles in an ecosystem and this is much easier to do with a high variety of species. A mass extinction

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    work file 5 3

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    1. Describe the structure of a neuron and explain the function of each of its major parts. There are five major parts of a neuron‚ the axon‚ soma‚ dendrites‚ the axon hillock and the terminal buttons. The axon transmits the neural signal. The stoma is where signals from the dendrites are joined and passed on. It serves to maintain the cell and keep the neuron functional. The dendrites help increase the surface area of the cell body. They receive info from other neurons and transmit electrical stimulation

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    3 5 work file

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    3.5 Family Patterns Please use black text. Section 1 Resource 1 After reading the case scenarios‚ choose one and answer the following questions. 1. Case Scenario “It’s Your Problem” (5 points) a. Where did the characters learn their communication style? (5 points) The characters learned their communication style from their families. b. Identify the communication roadblocks these barriers present in the scenario. To review the communication roadblocks‚ read the information found in lesson 3

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