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    Native American DBQ

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    Caleb Aleshire Mr. Miller APUSH February 2‚ 2015 Native Americans DBQ (1877-1900) In the late 1800s‚ Americans were continuing to expand Westward as they “worried that the Northeast was overpopulated and that‚ as a result‚ the country would face the same problems as Europe—class conflict‚ poverty‚ and urban ills” (Document I). From 1850 to 1890‚ the Native lands ceded went from Midwest America to the Pacific Coast (Document A). This presented a similar problem that they had faced in the past with

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    Dbq The Progressive Era

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    The Progressive era The progressive Era was a time of confusion as well as success. The reformers of this time worked tremendously hard in trying to improve the dreadful conditions of the U.S. The Progressive Era reformers along with government and the media were fairly successful in bringing about reform on a federal level between 1900 and 1920. However‚ there were inevitable negative effects that occurred due to the Progressive movement‚ and there were people who opposed it altogether. Progressive

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    Reconstruction DBQ

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    three main reasons are the North’s racism‚ fatigue‚ and distractions. Some positives about Reconstruction were the Freedman’s Bureau‚ This gave the African Americans support like food‚ education‚ jobs‚ and legal help. Also there was the Civil Rights Act this gave the blacks and whites the same type of rights. But there was also some negatives around this time like Sharecropping because the African Americans would be getting taken advantage of. Then there was the Black Codes making laws restricting

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    Agriculture Dbq

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    But these railroads soon created trouble as they started to implement unfair freight rates on farmers that had to ship their products to the cities. The government did try to step in by putting in the Interstate Commerce Act to stop railroads from having unfair rates but the act was not enforced enough. Illinois was one of the only states that fought the laissez-faire philosophy by going through with controlling the freight rates (Document C). The railroads were a huge impact on the agriculture of

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    Jackson Dbq

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    1832 resigned as Vice President and returned to South Carolina. He was appointed to the U.S. Senate by the States legislature. Calhoun authored two documents to undermine the Abomination Tariff that would eventually be referred to as the Nullification Act. He insisted that since the states had created the Federal Government by ratifying the Constitution states were sovereign and had every right to declare any Federal law the disagreed with null and void. Another issue Jackson encountered was the Second

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    dbq thesis

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    welfare of their people. The despots wanted to make sure that their people were prospering and improving their quality of life. Also‚ document 8 states‚”her policies will be based on Machiavellianism.” Again‚ this shows that the despots had the power to act like the state- absolutely and‚ if necessary‚ ruthlessly. They had no one standing in their way. It can be thought that these despots were just trying to win the crowd over by pleasing the people. They could achieve popular support this way. They were

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    Reconstruction Dbq

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    The Civil War was one of the most difficult and trying times during American history. The war ended with the the Union and Confederate states torn apart over one major issue: slavery. With the end of the Civil War came the end of slavery in the United States. Although the former black slaves were now free‚ they had no land and very few rights‚ and most did not even have family. Though out reconstruction‚ blacks were able to gain rights‚ but were continuously repressed by the white Southerners. The

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    Sample Dbq

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    Lincoln-Douglas Debates Document A Document B Source: 1885 Illinois‚ Map of debates Source: 1885‚ Cartoon Document C  Source: August 27‚ 1858‚ in Freeport‚ Illinois He was a significant force behind the Compromise of 1850 and the Kansas-Nebraska Act; both which included the idea of "popular sovereignty." Douglas was a strong believer in this doctrine‚ which said that the people of the territories should choose whether they wanted slavery or not. On the other side was Abraham Lincoln; a Republican

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    Jack Magill APUSH/Period 4 18 November 2014 The Jacksonian Rule The 1820’s in the United States saw a presidential election won on a “corrupt bargain”‚ a Yankee Misfit in office‚ and the end of the era of Good Feelings; the United States was desperate for a fresh new face to take office and restore power to the people. Andrew Jackson and his comrades did what they believed in‚ what they thought was necessary to uphold the use of the constitution to guide the administration and give power to the

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    Apush Dbq

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    of proper working conditions caused many of these protests (Document 7). In the case‚ Schechter vs. United States‚ the code of hours and wages for workers was examined. The Schechter company violated the laws under the National Industry Recovery Act (NIRA). The NIRA was then declared unconstitutional because it gave too much power to the federal government (Document 6). During this time period‚ a lot of people believed that the federal government was going to cause more of a downfall for the

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