First the North is responsible for killing Reconstruction because of racism. One of the reasons the North killed Reconstruction was their racist attitudes. According to Document D it states, “the blacks, as a people are unfitted for the proper exercise of political duties…..” This means the North was just as racist as the South. The North also stated that the blacks as citizens are unfitted, so this means they think too that blacks shouldn’t have the right to be a citizen. On Document D, it shows a picture of the blacks and whites fighting because the whites think racism is right but the blacks do not agree with the whites all the time.
Second of all the North is Responsible for killing Reconstruction because of distractions. Many white Southerners resisted Reconstruction. Some resisted it because of all of the violence. An example of the problem is seen in a letter written in 1870 by Albion Tourgee, a white ex-soldier who went to the South to become a judge in North Carolina and help reconstruct the state. He describes a state Senator who was brutally killed by the Klu Klux Klan and hung on a hook in the jury room. (Doc, A letter) That kind of terrorism was trying to scare the Carpetbaggers of the Klu Klux Klan and trying to make them want to leave the North. It was also suppose to scare