"1984 erasing the past" Essays and Research Papers

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    Past Paper

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    In "The Woodspurge" Dante Gabriel Rossetti uses plain and forceful language to recreate a moment of contemplation and grief. He narrates a basic scene from the perspective of an unknown person in which the individual wanders in a natural setting‚ sits down‚ and‚ in an emotional state‚ observes the details of a particular woodspurge — a European herb with greenish yellow flowers. The first stanza focuses on the wind and the narrator’s movement‚ which mimics the wind patterns. As Rossetti writes‚

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    Past Year

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    CONFIDENTIAL * ^ * LG/SEP 2010/BEL260/250 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE COURSE CODE EXAMINATION TIME INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH / MAINSTREAM ENGLISH II BEL260/250 SEPTEMBER 2010 3 HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of two (2) parts : PART A : Section 1 (5 Questions) Section 2 (5 Questions) Section 3 (6 Questions) PART B : (1 Question) Answer ALL questions from both parts in the Answer Booklet. Start each answer on a new page. Do not bring

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    Past Exams

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    CGA-CANADA PERSONAL & CORPORATE TAXATION [TX1] EXAMINATION March 2012 Time: 3 Hours Notes: 1. 2. 3. This examination is based on the Canadian Income Tax Act with Regulations (CCH 92nd Edition). Round all calculations to the nearest dollar‚ except price per share. The following items‚ applicable to the 2011 taxation year‚ are provided for reference: Federal Income Tax Rates — 2011 2011 Taxable Income Up to $41‚544 $41‚545 – $83‚088 $83‚089 – $128‚800 $128‚801 and over Personal Tax Credits 1. 2.

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    1984 chant

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    is a crime The order of Big Brother is absolute Goldstein corrupts minds Brings plague and slavery Kills our perfect system Swine‚ swine‚ swine! Treachery‚ heresy‚ conspiracy Down with Goldstein Down with Goldstein To the future or to the past‚ to a time when thought is free. From the age of Big Brother‚ no answer to your plea. Thought crime does not entail death‚ thought crime is death. What makes us a mighty nation? On with the war No room for negotiations Vaporize the rebels And

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    George Orwell’s book 1984 (1949) shows a futuristic dystopian society‚ through the perspective of a character named Winston Smith. Winston lives in Airstrip One‚ which used to be Great Britain before the world broke into superstates. Britain is part of the state Oceania‚ which also includes North America‚ South America‚ Greenland‚ Australia‚ and parts of southern Africa. There are two other superstates‚ Eurasia‚ which includes Russia and most of Europe‚ and Eastasia‚ which includes China‚ Japan‚

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    In the book 1984 by George Orwell‚ the main character‚ Winston‚ along with all the people that live in the country of Oceania‚ are controlled by the government in many different ways. The country’s figurehead‚ Big Brother‚ is said to be in charge of everything‚ and uses methods to keep that control with the Party. He keeps the power by means of telescreens so they are constantly being watched‚ by propaganda so they either feel scared or patriotic‚ and he even goes as far as to corrupt the minds of

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    1984 is‚ without doubt‚ a very complex novel. The subjects tackled by Orwell in the novel are indeed complicated and dangerous. To get these across to the reader‚ Orwell often uses symbolism and imagery. In order to completely investigate this‚ it is necessary to look at the main characters‚ names‚ places and the various symbols that pop up throughout the novel. This will help to give a better understanding as to why and how Orwell uses these. Some of the most obvious symbolism comes in the names

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    Does our society resemble the society described in George Orwell’s 1984? In 1984 people lack basic human rights of freedom‚ privacy‚ individualism‚ and spirit. Today we have started to freely give up several of our rights‚ however it may not be to the same extreme as in the book. Bossche (1984) states‚ “In our 1984‚ Big Brother will not conquer the world. However‚ the warnings of George Orwell are more than ever relevant.” There are several similarities between this book and our society today. “Even

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    Censorship in 1984

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    How Will You Spend The Rest Of Your Days? The oldest man currently still living today is Emiliano Mercado Del Toro who is 113 years old (Guinness 2). Emiliano said he has seen many things in his lifetime‚ but still feels as if he has not "seen it all" (Guinness 2). If Emiliano has lived 113 years on the earth and feels that he has not done it all then how can the average American living only into his or her 70s live a full life? Most Americans lives are spent at work‚ the average American works

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    1984 and Brazil

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    The word utopia was first utilised by Thomas Moore in 1516 in his work Utopia. A utopia in essence is an imaginary place of sheer fear and desire. The word utopia used to describe an ideal society. The opposite of utopia is a dystopia which also is an imaginary place contrary to the belief of perfection. They include undesirable elements of society exaggerated to form a warning for the future generations. Terry Gilliam’s film Brazil shows a dictatorial society where freedom has been surrendered for

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