In 1984, children are taught from a young age to spy on people, and to turn in anyone suspicious, even their parents. Orwell shows this in the book by stating, “Nearly all children nowadays were horrible. What was worse of all was that by means of such organizations as the Spies they were systematically turned into ungovernable little savages” (24). In Oceania there are different groups like the Youth League and The Junior Anti-Sex League to manipulate the children into having absolute loyalty toward the party. They teach the children to be emotionless and submissive, and even go as far as telling young adults that they should only have sex as a duty to make more children for the party. In the 1940s, Hitler and Stalin both had a huge focus on children. They both were taught in schools to be great leaders, and both taught children to be dutiful spies. Like in the book, Hitler had a league for children called the Youth League. 1984 suggests that if a totalitarian government takes reign again in the future, it will greatly affect children, as children in the future, as in the past, would be subjected to large amounts of propaganda. Similar to Hitler and Stalin, they will be taught to spy and be suspicious of everyone. They would be manipulated into doing whatever the government asked of …show more content…
In 1984, children are taught from a young age to spy on people, and to turn in anyone suspicious, even their parents. Orwell shows this in the book by stating, “Nearly all children nowadays were horrible. What was worse of all was that by means of such organizations as the Spies they were systematically turned into ungovernable little savages” (24). In Oceania there are different groups like the Youth League and The Junior Anti-Sex League to manipulate the children into having absolute loyalty toward the party. They teach the children to be emotionless and submissive, and even go as far as telling young adults that they should only have sex as a duty to make more children for the party. In the 1940s, Hitler and Stalin both had a huge focus on children. They both were taught in schools to be great leaders, and both taught children to be dutiful spies. Like in the book, Hitler had a league for children called the Youth League. 1984 suggests that if a totalitarian government takes reign again in the future, it will greatly affect children, as children in the future, as in the past, would be subjected to large amounts of propaganda. Similar to Hitler and Stalin, they will be taught to spy and be suspicious of everyone. They would be manipulated into doing whatever the government asked of