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    law of india

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    Law of India refers to the system of law in modern India. Some of contemporary Indian law shows substantial European and American influence. Various legislations first introduced by the British are still in effect in modified forms today. During the drafting of the Indian Constitution‚ laws from Ireland‚ the United States‚ Britain‚ and France were synthesised into a refined set of Indian laws. Indian laws also adhere to the United Nations guidelines on human rights law and the environmental law.

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    Civil Law vs Common Law

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    Common Law vs. Civil Law There are nearly 200 nations in the world‚ each with their own distinct legal system based on one of the four major legal systems: common law‚ civil law‚ socialist law‚ and religious law. The majority of countries today follow either common law or civil law. Here in the United States we practice common law‚ as opposed to countries like France and Germany‚ which practice civil law. There are several differences between these two legal systems‚ however‚ common law in the

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    Atze Atsma Rhetoric 1030 21 Years Lost‚ A Life Gained I can remember it as if it happened yesterday. I walked into the building‚ and went to the front desk with my family. We all proceeded to empty out our pockets into a bin and then we turned and walked through security checkpoint. My father was first one through the metal detector‚ and it went off. He tried to explain that he had his hips replaced‚ but they still brought him into a room to search him. I was next‚ and this time through the metal

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    Role and Functions of Law LAW/421 November 3‚ 2014 Charles Hughes Role and Functions of LawLaw plays a significant role in the successful operation of business and society” (Bushman‚ 2007). Laws create order and allow a government to instruct citizens on what is acceptable behavior. These laws‚ better known as public laws‚ provide a clear set of rules for citizens to follow. What is Law? According to Melvin‚ law is defined as “a body of rules of action or conduct prescribed by controlling

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    COMMON LAW V CIVIL LAW COMMON LAW(characteristics)for comparing or contrast purpose Common law systems are mostly found in former british colony and protectorate including US‚ it is less prescriptive than civil law system‚citizens are benefited by enactment and legislation in specific fields.more often are the implied terms usage. 1)represents the law of courts as expressed in judicial decision 2)based on precedents provided by past judicial decisions‚no written statues or prescribed texts

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    Business Law

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    show why I agree with the statement. The reason as to why Contract law exists is because it is there to make sure people keep their promises to one another. A contract is made up of a promise of one party to do a certain thing in exchange for a promise from the other party to do another thing. The law will enforce on them if either party breaks away from the promise‚ as promises are what contracts are all about. Contract law is based on several Latin legal principles‚ the most important of which

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    system includes laws that are developed from two sources: common law and statutory law. Common law is created by judges in a court hierarchy‚ using an approach called the doctrine of precedent. Statutory law is law written in parliament by the leaders of the country or state‚ depending on where the power to legislate lies. Both common law and statutory law are components of substantive law‚ which concerns the actual content of law and procedural law‚ which concern the way in which law is constructed

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    Common Law

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    Common law 1 Common law Common law‚ also known as case law or precedent‚ is law developed by judges through decisions of courts and similar tribunals rather than through legislative statutes or executive branch action. A "common law system" is a legal system that gives great precedential weight to common law‚[1] on the principle that it is unfair to treat similar facts differently on different occasions.[2] The body of precedent is called "common law" and it binds future decisions. In cases

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    Adat Law

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    Islamic Laws Regarding Marriage Islamic Laws Regarding Marriage Islam recognizes value of sex and advocates marriage. Islam does not believe in celibacy. The Prophet of Islam has said‚ "Marriage is my Sunnah (that is a recommended action of the Prophet) and whoever does not follow my Sunnah is not my true follower" (Ibn Haiah‚ Babun Nikah). Allah has commanded the Muslims to marry: "And marry those among you who are single.... "(24: 33). In Islam‚ marriage is essentially a contract. However‚ the

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    Islamic Law

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    International Journal of Law‚ Policy and the Family 2011 A husband ’s authority: emerging formulations in Muslim family laws Lynn Welchman Subject: Family law. Other related subjects: Legal systems Keywords: Comparative law; Islamic law; Marriage; Morocco; Spouses; United Arab Emirates *Int. J.L.P.F. 1 ABSTRACT This article considers the articulation of the husband-wife relationship in Islamic law and specifically the contemporary equation in statutory formulations of Muslim family law that sets the

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