"8 define emotional intelligence and its role in effective interpersonal relationships" Essays and Research Papers

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    Interpersonal Communication Types of communication We come to across different situations in our life. As human beings‚ we have to communicate with various people and in different environments. Sometimes we converse with our friends and yet at other times we communicate with our superiors or subordinates. There are also occasions when we have to address a group‚ participate in meeting and deliver a talk to a large gathering. All these occasions necessitate human communication to be of different

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    Interpersonal Attraction

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    What is interpersonal attraction? "Interpersonal attraction refers to the positive feelings toward one another" (Weiten‚ 463). Most people choose a companion based on interpersonal attractions. It is no news that there are many different factors that influence attraction but author Weiten believes that that "the interpersonal dynamics at work in each case are surprisingly similar. Each is influenced by physical attractiveness" (463). When someone decides to date another person they tend to go off

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    Intelligence Critique

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    Running head: INTELLIGENCE CRITIQUE Intelligence Critique Lucy Carnes Psy 357 Leron Peterkin‚ M.A. Grand Canyon University College of Liberal Arts May 19‚ 2010 Intelligence Critique Which theory do you believe is the best for determining intelligence? I think moral intelligence would be equivalent to these two intelligences because in order to make moral decisions‚ one has to

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    What is the role of metaphor in the development of an autonomous client? I’ve been recently reading about the importance of language in Epistemology. Particularly Wittgenstein and his ideas of language and it’s role in our shaping of the world. SLIDE 1: Wittgenstein Thus we turn to the enigmatic realms of Analytic Philosophy‚ headed up by the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein (1922). His sentence that "We make to ourselves pictures of facts" is the summarization of the view that; "In the picture and

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    in Flew (2002:13) and Cairncross (1998) express this great development as the "death of distance". New media "radically break the connection between physical place and social place‚ making physical location much less significant for our social relationships" (Croteau and Hoynes 2003: 311). Through these globalised communities‚ "Virtual communities" are being established online and it transcends geographical boundaries‚ eliminating social restrictions. Rheingold cited in Slevin (2000:91) describes

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    Interpersonal Communication Overview - Nonverbal communication is a part of the process of interpersonal communication that sends messages without using words or phrases. It uses body posture‚ facial expressions‚ hand and arm gestures‚ posture‚ and even eye contact. For humans it also uses objects that we use culturally: clothing‚ jewelry‚ hairstyles and combinations of ways we present ourselves (e.g. using certain jewelry to communicate affluence‚ or a particular style of glasses to show “hipness

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    Interpersonal Attraction

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    Interpersonal Attraction Relationships with the individuals around them are key to ones social existence. Personal accounts by people who have been isolated from the outside world serve as a reminder of their dependence on others. What draws them into these "relationships"? Studies of interpersonal attraction have concluded that people are attracted mostly to those that they find physically attractive and who are geographically close. The first step to understanding why they are attracted to

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    Leadership & Intelligence

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    Leadership and Intelligence Being a leader: is this a step-by step process? The scope of this paper is to understand the connection existing between Intelligence and leadership and‚ in particular‚ the different intelligence required among leaders and managers. We shall demonstrate that managers with different intelligent characteristics can be naturally good leaders. Before driving into the academic analysis I would like to share my experience with you. I’ve met and worked several individuals

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    Theories of Intelligence

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    Theories of Intelligence Abstract Theories of intelligence have been studied and researched by numerous psychologists. This essay will discuss the different theories‚ the person(s) who formulated them‚ and the relevance of each. This essay will also be used to show how important human interaction and the environment can be in overall human intelligence. Theories of Intelligence There

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    Emotional dissonance

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    Journal of Managerial Psychology Emotional dissonance in call centre work Jürgen Wegge Rolf Van Dick Christiane von Bernstorff Article information: Downloaded by UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX At 16:41 03 February 2015 (PT) To cite this document: Jürgen Wegge Rolf Van Dick Christiane von Bernstorff‚ (2010)‚"Emotional dissonance in call centre work"‚ Journal of Managerial Psychology‚ Vol. 25 Iss 6 pp. 596 - 619 Permanent link to this document: http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/02683941011056950 Downloaded on: 03

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